Thursday, April 17, 2014
Thru-Hike Prep: Shakedown
Well, we had our 1st personal shakedown before our thru hike today. I highly recommend conducting a shakedown before you plan any long distance hike. It’s a great opportunity to inspect all of your gear to see what needs to be replaced and what isn’t necessary. Also, a good time to see if you are missing any important items. I’ve heard of some outfitters offering shakedowns for free. Luckily, I’m from a family of experienced hikers and gearheads so we are all pretty up-to-date on the latest and greatest.
We all grabbed a tarp and started laying out our gear by compartments. Somehow mine and Stacey’s spilled over to a table and bench. Tuck and Dad had everything organized in a matter of minutes— such backpacking pros!
And well, Luke . . . he took all of 2 seconds to lay out his stuff. Granted he still has some things to purchase. It’s a good thing Trail Days is in a couple weeks!
After everything was out, we took turns sifting through each others things and made some, ahem, recommendations. Such as “Amber, you better get some rain pants and bug spray.” According to Mom AKA Trail Boss, “Maine sounds horrible . . . you cross rivers chest deep and bugs eat you alive.” Sounds like an adventure to me!
After gear inspection we packed up and hit the scale. I’m a bit obsessive about ultralight weight gear. I know some hikers who get annoyed by others obsessing over ounces, buttttt it all adds up!
So here are how the packs weigh in without food and water:
Rick - 22.8 | Amber - 28 | Tucker - 33 | Stacey- 35 | Luke - TBD
We all have a goal to keep our pack around 30 lbs. Stacey and Tuck are making some adjustments to get theirs lighter.
And here they are fully packed minus food! Showing off our love for Osprey! We plan on doing one more shakedown with food in a couple weeks. I’ll post detailed lists of what’s in our packs then!
Sunday, April 6, 2014
WHY I am hiking the Appalachian Trail
Greetings wild ones!
Stacey and I (Amber) are thrilled to tell you that we are thru hiking the Appalachian Trail this summer! We will be traveling all 2,181 miles southbound - starting in Maine and ending in Georgia. And we can’t wait!
We have so many people ask us: Why? Why leave the comforts of your bed and other luxuries of the modern world behind? Why walk in the woods for 6 months? I have a love/hate feeling towards this question. There are so many good reasons; but I want to have the perfect answer - An answer that is dwindled down to one raw, real reason. So when someone asks me “why are you hiking the AT?” My reply will inspire them to do something or feel something . . . Strange, I know, but I like to be prepared for those hidden opportunities to change someone’s life. It’s the same scenario as “why are you a vegetarian” or “why do you believe in God”- PRIME OPPORTUNITIES to share what you believe in and to inspire others! That’s what life is about anyway, right? Making connections, building relationships and helping others.
I realize I will always be shaping my “perfect” answer. So for now I’ll make a faithful bullet list of all the many reasons I desire to thru-hike the AT:
To feel what’s like to live- Today life is so busy, loud and complicated. People have forgotten what it is like a to live a simple life. I’m absolutely guilty of taking the modern lifestyle to the extreme. And although I’ll miss my daily Starbucks, TV shows and unhealthy social media addiction, I think it’s safe to say I am most excited about breaking free from all of it! Limited comfort and technology- just nature, good company and conversations with God!
To experience self reliance at it’s finest. I am NOT excited about the rain, mosquitoes, hunger pains, blisters, hot days and cold nights. However, I am SUPER excited about overcoming those personal minor triumphs. (fingers crossed) I strive to be a strong individual- physically, spiritually and mentally. I believe that thru hiking will push me to grow and become even stronger.
To travel on foot! – I mean how cool is that? Walking from Maine to Georgia – not many people can say they have done that. And I have the Wanderlust Disease. I can’t wait for what my own eyes will see!
To spend 5 solid months with my favorite men – husband, dad, brother and cousin. Oh the stories we will have to tell . . . doing our favorite thing together.
Because I have to. For me, thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail is a calling. I have a strong sense of "I have to do this or else". Once a desire sets up home in my heart, it stays until I turn my dreams into plans. I strongly believe in chasing dreams. Anything is possible if you want something really really bad!So that’s the long end of why I am thru-hiking the AT. I’ll keep working on the “in a nut shell” version, but knowing myself I’m sure I will just make it longer. :-/