I am seeking, I am striving, I am in it with all of my heart. -Vincent Van Gough
Welcome to my digital home and heart space. I am so glad you are here. If you found this blog I encourage you to trust that the universe sent you here for a reason. Pour yourself some coffee and stay a while. I’d be honored for you to read my words.
• Stated Intention •
My intention here is full expression. I am privileged with a colorful life- abundant with a wide range of emotions and experiences. Writing is my way and sharing my stories, thoughts emotions and things that have impacted my life is what brings me joy.
My prayer is that you find the HOPE & feel the LOVE that lives inside of yourself.
• The Readers •
I have a tender spot in my heart for young, ambitious women. So I guess a lot of the time when I'm writing, I'm writing for them. As an older sister, I am wired to try to light the way for those just behind me.
When I started this blog many moons ago, this is who I was writing for:
Women in their 20's who want to travel the world, start their own thing and make a difference. She is curious about everything, falls in love easily and probably has a cat. She has a burning desire to follow her heart and be the best version of herself. She is a believer. It's for the women who are showing up in the world the best way they know how, but are still not fulfilled. It's for the dreamers who have lost their faith. It's for the college grads who are waking up in sheer panic thinking about what to do next. It's for the girl in the relationship that doesn't seem to fit anymore. It's for the seekers who are tired of seeking. It's for the artists who are craving to make a difference, but can't seem to muster up the courage. It's for the ones who are healing, striving and ready to live the life they were created for. It's for my sister(s).
Today, I'd like to add MOTHERS to the tippy top of the list. Since becoming a mom myself, everything is colored by motherhood. Therefore, moms will most likely relate the most to, eh, 100% of what I have to say.
I've come to believe that in the process of sharing our truths, vulnerabilities and insecurities deep healing happens (for both parties involved). I hope that is the case here.
Is any of this resonating? If so, follow along for:
Spiritual Insights. Stories of Hope. Travel Playlists. Self Love Recipes. Creative Living Inspiration. Intuitive Healing Guidance. Wild Woman Stuff. Dream Interpretations. Yoga.

This is me. Hi! If you want to connect about anything send me an email at opalandwonder@gmail.com. Lots of love! Muah! -Amber
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