Saturday, February 11, 2017
Potent Bridges to the great Beyond
This art says it all. Feeling more in alignment after an ammmazing soul session with local shaman, Bloom Post. And then to top it off, last nights' sky! Wow. The moon's invitation to reflect, release and receive seemed so potent. Incredibly happy we have the night sky to look at every night. To soak in all the healing lights. To remind us that there is so much more to this life. Praying everyone who also experienced a chaotic 2016 is beginning to feel the peace and light. 🙏🏻Thanks Devany Amber Wolfe of Serpent Fire for creating this piece of work that reflects so much new vitality, balance and power. 🌙 #awakening
Monday, February 6, 2017
Moving From Depression to Expression
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Be kind for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. - PLATO
Have you ever felt water turn into fire? I'm talking about the tears that carry so much weight, so much heaviness that they seem to create a sort of combustion inside of your belly. It's not long before you are picking yourself off the floor in a bout of rage. This, my friend, is your soul's way of transmuting emotions. This is turning water into FIRE. This is the space where great art is created. This is the fire that transforms lives. This is what the road of depression to expression feels like.
Are you depressed and ready to start healing through expressing yourself more fully? I say do it. Let the tears fall. Let it all out. Get mad. Set the fire, be kind to yourself. No Judging. Let the emotions lead. Soon, you will find yourself exactly where you wanted to be.
Trust me.
I recently had an awakening that left me out in the cold. It was the sort of awakening that completely shattered my world. Everything I believed and trusted was turned upside down. My relationships, faith in God and health were stripped away in one single day. All of my "stuff" came into the light and I spiraled fast. I was not the least bit equipped to handle the insight and repressed emotions that came riding on the awakening wave. (More on this story, later.)
But here I am a year later, much, much different .
Still fighting. Still alive.
Inspired to share my story. Letting my vulnerabilities and sufferings be of service.
Here we grow!