Friday, June 28, 2019

A Letter to 9 Month Old Little River

Here we are.

Dear River,
9 months with you have been hard and fun and enlightening. I am swept back to the day you entered this world and feel butterflies- big, strong ones. If I’m being completely honest it was pretty freaking traumatic but in the best kinda way. I’m realizing I still have so much to process about birthing you. I wonder if other women give it much thought afterwards... like really deep reflections. Or do they just keep their head down and continue going through the motions. We women are good like that. I wonder how much emotion is stored away in our bones of those first couple of weeks and months... when we are getting to know our babes. Phew... those days. Nothing is quite like it. I am your mother and I have so much to teach you. So much to tell you.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019


I believe in God.

I belive in dreams.

I believe that Love is the bridge.

I believe in superpowers.

I believe in Beauty as a portal

and that doors open

during golden hours.

I believe dreams come and go.

The true ones live in our bones.


Amber Adams Niven. Theme by STS.