Monday, December 28, 2020
Welcome, Indie Oaks
We brought our sweet little girl into the world during a Christmas snowstorm! Born on December 27th at the WNC Birth Center in Asheville, North Carolina. I can’t wait to sit down and write about your wild journey into this big, beautiful world.
8.15 lbs
20.5 inches
Thursday, December 10, 2020
Soul Chat: CAVE DAYS
Hi dear ones,
I'm popping out of my cave to say "hello" and that I hope you are doing well! Although I am in hermit mode, I am still thinking about you and praying for you, my golden threads!
There is a New Moon approaching, along with a Solar Eclipse AND Winter Solstice is right around the corner! Phew, who has time to think about Christmas when so much is happening with the current astrology. Ha, Ha. Just kidding. I'm kind of a Christmas nerd. There is always time for Christmas in my house. We put our tree up a few nights ago. All of the bottom ornaments keep disappearing, because River thinks it's hilarious to take them off just so he can watch me put them back on. I thought my days of half decorated trees were over when our cat, Happy, grew out of his kitten phase . . . Oh, well. . . 'tis the season.
I made this little video last night due to a spontaneous burst of energy that I'm guessing was generated from the same hormones that have me running around organizing every little nook- the "nesting" is real! Anyway, it's just a short little update from my cave, as well as, a loving, invitation for you to go inward, too. <3
I mean we live in such a pressure-filled, production-focused world. We gotta take time to slow down and rest. Ya'll, these cave days have been EVERYTHING. I feel grounded, less anxious, well-rested and super focused. But I know what you are thinking. When is there ever a time to slow down?? And rest? Ha! What is that? I know. I know. The guilt for going against the collective norm is REAL. It doesn't seem possible. UNTIL, you figure out how to just freaking do it. Even in a small way such as breaking away from Social Media or un-consuming from all the spam in your inbox. Or how about saying "no" to some social obligations. (which honestly should be pretty easy right now) If this pandemic has gifted us with anything good, it's the fact that we have an excuse to sloooooooow down. To stop doing so much. Stop trying to be in a thousand different places. Stop trying to accomplish fifty things before the next week.
Let's take a cue from Nature, and get cozy in our dens. Slow down, sleep longer and tune in. As in: TUNE INWARDS. Take time for yourself to listen to your own thoughts and feelings and adjust your life accordingly. This is our time. As women, it's time for us to separate from value systems that aren't serving us. It's time to honor our own feelings and to find home within our own true Self. Please, I urge you to take this time to re-connect with yourSelf. Turn the dial down on the outside world. Get into your body. Root into your own Spirit. Dive into the beautiful, intuitive Self that is waiting for you. Cry the tears. Feel the sadness. Let the Anger transmute into Passion. All of those feelings that we bottle up and push down so well . . . FEEL them. They are our greatest gift. They are our guide.
More on: Cave Days
Cave Days are not just about disconnecting. They are about re-focusing. They are about re-connecting with ourselves. It can be as simple as a mental shift. What is truly necessary in your life? Cave Days are about living simply and living wholly. Stripping away everything that you don't need and re-focusing on things that nourish you. Like good sleep, clean foods, warm baths and family dinners. Cave Days can break habitual patterns like always checking your phone in bed or reaching for more sugar to sooth your stress or always over committing yourself from having weak boundaries.
The still, cold, quiet winter season affords us the space to get clear about the next chapter of our lives. As long as we cut out the noise, rest, reset and listen with our hearts open. We are who we've been waiting for. Here's to retreating to our personal caves, whatever that may look like and getting clear on what needs to shift and change in our lives. Here's to being strong women who intentionally choose to live mindful and passionate lives! Here's to showing up with a full glass. Here's to living into our fullness and to being ALIVE and well.
I love each and every one of you. As I get closer and closer to bringing my daughter into the world, I can't help but get all teary eyed about the simple fact of what it is like being a woman in today's world. It's a lot. But I have so much hope for her generation. Well . . . and ours! We have come so far and I am grateful to be on the journey with you.
As always, thanks for walking with me.
Love, Amber
PS: I'd love to hear from you! Let me know what's up in your life. Are you in a cave? Have you put up a tree? Are you feeling Christmas anxiety? What's up?