Girls, play nice.

I apologize but I can’t help to vent a little bit today. It’s so sad how we treat each other sometimes, especially us females. When will being a “mean girl” stop being so cool? Why do girls like sabotaging other girls lives? Why can’t we just play nice? Why can’t we just love each other? Sure,  I sound like such a hippie when I say that; but really though, the world would be so bright and wonderful if people gave a little more love. Even to those who we think don’t deserve it.

Yeah, I know she gossips, but so do you.

Yeah, I know she just likes to compete with you, but she looks up to you. I know it’s annoying, but all you can do is accept it and keep truckin on with your life.

Yeah, I know she never smiles back at you, maybe she is hurting so bad on the inside she can’t possibly think about producing a smile.

Yeah, I know she is just plum evil and seems to hate you for no apparent reason, most likely she is jealous of you. Have you ever thought about be-friending her? It will send her into another universe and probably completely change how she sees you.

Yeah, I know she hasn’t said sorry yet, it’s time to be the bigger person. She will realize later how big of a step you took.

Yeah, I know they make you feel like an outcast, then you probably don’t need to be in that click anyway. Smile and move on to better things (people). Don’t hold any hard feelings against them. It will just make you bitter and that’s not attractive.

Yeah, I know they are only trying to drown you, but girls you just gotta kill em with kindness. Something my sister taught me: smile & love on people. Forgive and forget.

Please play nice this weekend. Hold each other up. Stop tearing each other down. Life is hard enough.

“It’s nice to be important. It’s important to be nice.”

#littlemermaidpicture #meangirls #playnice #weekend

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