AT, It's Time by Chief Badweather


AT.  It’s TIME

imageHelo Blog People, Ricky Adams (aka BADWEATHER) here, this is new to me so cut me some slack….Where is that iiiiiiiIIIIII…OH MY GOSH!!! Why Are the letters not in alphabetical order? Geee I wished I’d went to school. I will try my best to keep a journal and BLOG from time to time while my family and I prep and train for a THUR HIKE on the AT. Our hike will start June 1st. 2014 in Maine, we will be Southbounders (SOBO’s) Our home is THE GREAT SMOKIES MOUNTAINS, and our training grounds. Fall is here and hiking season is in full swing! (NOW THAT THE PARK IS BACK OPEN!!!…let’s not go there.) The end of my work day is often spent in the Greenbrier section of the National Park, my wife Debra (aka 4-MILES) joins me often, for a few miles up and a few miles back. This time of year the Smokies are very nice.This past Saturday our sights were set on the BUNION, Charlie’s, then the JUMPOFF. It was GREAT!!! Let the adventure begin!

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