Appalachian Trail Adventure Dairy: Airport Struggles


Hey guys! Amber, here. Hope your morning has been better than ours. 

This photo was taken at 6:15am today just before the flight to Bangor, ME. Unfortunately, Stacey and I missed the flight because my reservation was made with my maiden name. (Lesson learned) We spent the next hour running around like crazy people trying to figure out how to get to Bangor. We finally gave in and bought 2 over priced one way tickets with Delta. Dad, Tucker, Luke and our packs are currently on thier way. Phew, long crazy morning!! Thanks John and Tanja for staying by our side. It's been a bumpy start, but it all makes for a good story! Let the adventure begin. 
Over and out from gate 5 at Tyson McGee. 

Well the airport didn't loose our packs. However we had some gear stolen, including Tucker's $150 kinetic energy charger. Here's to being disconnected in the woods!

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