Hello & Welcome!

Awkward first post vibes here.

I feel like an introduction must take place before we get into the deep stuff.

So hello! I'm Amber. Let's see if we are possible soul mates.

Some of my all-time favorite things (in no particular order):

  1. talks with God through nature

  2. ripe strawberries

  3. personality tests (this one was a game changer)

  4. intimacy and deep conversations- no small talk here

  5. crescent moons

  6. merlot

  7. fresh cut wild flowers

  8. rainbows

  9. watching my kitten jump/fall off of things

  10. dream journaling with a cup of hot tea

  11. spontaneous sex with my Leo

  12. this song

  13. old bookstores

  14. Henry David Thoreau

  15. naked river baths

  16. my friend Brittany's laugh

  17. remote areas in southern Utah

  18. love stories (especially mine)

  19. dancing with women

  20. pretty much everything about being a women (even my cycle . . . gasp!)

  21. this app

  22. moving water

  23. song birds- especially the ones habitating at high altitude in Maine

  24. creating self care rituals

  25. lavender baths

  26. Instagram

  27. coffee shops

  28. the community and culture surrounding the Appalachian Trail

  29. candles

  30. being a sister

  31. the wisdom I've gained from owning a business

  32. Disney movies

I grew up in a small town in Sevier County, TN- hiking the Smokies, jumping in rivers, and cheering on the local football team. Now I live Asheville, NC with my boyfriend, dog and kitty. We live a wonder-full life with fresh food, art and lots of stand up comedy. I feel fortunate to be walking on Earth with all of you. It's an exciting time here! I'm currently apprenticing with a local energy healer and studying many modalities that I think will be very useful to those going through life transitions. My passion to work with young women led me here!

I am excited to share more and hopefully get to connect with those of you out there that are riding the same wave. I'll leave you with this quote from e.e. cummings that always inspires me when I am starting out on new ventures.

“To be nobody but yourself – in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you like everybody else – means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight – and never stop fighting. - e.e. cummings

Keep being you! I'm with ya all the way.

beaming love your way ~


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