I love this. BUT these words can also be my poison.
Here are some rambles for my inner critic and my fellow recovering perfectionists who strive so hard to meet those grand, beautiful expectations- YOU ARE ENOUGH. We are enough. Just simply being and showing up and trying is enough. We live under tremendous pressure these days- To be better, to achieve, to please, to fit in, to stand out, to be strong while being vulnerable. We are even pressured to live in the moment. It's so damn overwhelming and confusing.
Ahhhh, how does a regular ole gal do it? It just doesn't seem possible.
I want to be "all the things" all of the time. Enough is never enough for this inner achiever! We must push and push until we get to the destination. We have the grit and determination, right? Haha, until we burnout, have a panic attack and find ourselves eating too much pizza asking ourselves if we will ever be enough. We must remember to quiet that little ambitious voice from time to time and be proud of the days work.
We have to stop doing this to each other, folks. Demanding more from one another, whatever that may be. I've recently become aware of how much I expect of my family, friends and even strangers. I'm constantly being the food police with my family. "Mom, you didn't buy organic...." and always over criticizing my friends' creative projects. "Ehhh ... it could be better if you made this adjustment". It comes from a place of love, but lacking grace and compassion. Maybe, Mom didn't buy all organic this time but she did make sure there were a plethora of fruits and veggies. And yeah the little tweak to the website could have made a difference but was it really worth killing the mood of an excited finished project? We have to meet each other in the middle & expand our awareness to see how hard we are all trying.
Next time you catch yourself thinking about how it/he/she could be better, different or anything other than what is, just shoot love beams from your being. Let's see what happens. ๐more love, less fuss. ๐
practice round- (boyfriend wearing all black...again) Does this look ok? Me: I love love love love love love love it!!! ❤️❤️ (insert sound effects off love beams) ⚡️⚡️⚡️
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