Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Inspired by the younger

Some raw words from my little brother:

We wake up to the world each day
not knowing what is going to come before us,
what He has planned for us.
We have to take it-
bad or good.
It’s planned to do something right
We make mistakes to… teach or to learn.
The next thing is a surprise just as the next.
We live throught it,
we fight
and get through it.
It’s a gift.
-Tucker, age 15

me & brother

I could be wrong, but I don’t think he spent much time on this poem. I’m pretty sure these words just flowed from his brain onto the blank notebook page because it is wrote in a stream of consciousness. As he takes us through his thought process we learn his raw view of life.

Stream of Consciousness is my favorite method of writing. It is so private, so secretive. It is like the writer grants us intimate access to their thoughts and just for a moment we change our perspective and we become inspired. These simple, yet profound thoughts of my little baby brother did just that. Thanks for reminding of what life is about, brother. Today IS a gift from God and you are right we should be thankful for the good and bad days! Life is unexpected and everything happens for a reason. So if you mess up, learn from it and move on. God has a plan, keep your hope.

Thanks Tuck for opening my eyes. I love you and  am so very proud of you.

#Poetry #Brother #life #Inspir #God

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Think Beautiful Thoughts

You know what is completely and utterly amazing about life? Choice, the freedom to choose between things every minute of every day. You choose what to wear each day and what to have for breakfast. You decide who you spend your time with, whom you share your body, your life, your money and energy with. You select where you will go to school, eat, and shop. You can choose the music you listen to and the books you read. You can choose how you will view unexpected things in life— will they be challenges or opportunities? You can choose the words you use and the tone of voice in which you speak to others. Most of all, you can choose your thoughts.

With beautiful thoughts you can turn your world into a magical place. Learn to control your mind. Learn to select your thoughts like you select your clothes every morning.  Feed your head with happy thoughts, because remember—  you have the power to your happiness.There are many things that are out of our control, but my goodness, there are also so many things we can control!

a favorite happy thought

My favorite “happy thoughts” exercise is writing down all the things that bring a smile to my face. I have countless papers, napkins and post-its covered with themes of words and phrases. Whatever mood I’m in at the moment usually inspires the theme. I’m a romantic, so most of them go something like this: Lace. Paris. Sundresses. Audrey Hepburn. Pastels. Taking pictures at dusk. E. E. Cummings. Fresh fruit. Sun-kissed skin. Napping in hammocks. English tea. Matinee movies. Girl nights. Ingrid Michealson. Peonies. Forehead kisses. Night time runs.

Ok..I think you can get the point.

#Happiness #thinkbeautifulthoughts

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A truth re-realized.

So it has been a while… some of you may be wondering why the daily happiness has stopped. I would love to tell you that I was off traveling the world or following my favorite band or even volunteering  at the local zoo; unfortunately, none of that is true. Heck, I haven’t even been that busy with school work. Nope, life has been somewhat average. But you see, that has been just the problem. Average life to me is so completely uninspiring! Doing the same thing each week, seeing the same people, listening to the same music…the same ole song and dance with no break in the routine!!! Which brings me to my truth I re-realized while I’ve been away. 


If you are feeling dull and are so bored with your life, well, it is up to you to do something about it! Don’t sit around like I did waiting for a gust of inspiration to pick you up because it may or may not come. We are lucky on days when the world drops inspiration right in our laps, but most of the time it is up to us to search for it.

So where do we look? Where can we find inspiration? My favorite places to find inspiration are people. My oldest source is my best friend, Lillie. She radiates creativity. I  wish I could spend everyday with her. (She is a whole post in herself, I need to put that on my to-do list.) Connecting and sharing ideas with people are my first go-to during my inspiration hunt. I feel my best when I spend time with my creative friends— the writers, the photographers, the idealists, the painters, the musicians. You are all great inspiring people.

Other top inspiration places include (but are definitely not limited to):

  1. Places, go somewhere, see things, experience cultures! Get the travel bug.
  2. Music- ALL music. (especially live) The saxophone is my favorite 🙂
  3. Reading. Poetry, your old journal, biographies, quotes, romance novels. Doesn’t matter— whatever strikes your fancy.
  4. Art museums
  5. Your neighborhood, these are sometimes the best. Walks around the block are great to clear your thoughts.

So the answer to the question really is, everywhere. You can find inspiration everywhere.

Live with a goal to inspire others and you will be inspired, I promise.

On days when your inspiration tank is running low, try to inspire someone else. I warn you- this is not easy. It takes a lot for you to even realize that you are in need of inspiration. Which is clearly why it is important to stay inspired! Keep doing the things that make life interesting to you. If that is building statues out of your food, do it. If it is writing down your thoughts, do it. If it is driving the scenic route on the way home, do it. Think outside the box, open your mind, create inspiration.

You Can Make A Grey Day Pretty.


Amber Adams Niven. Theme by STS.