So it has been a while… some of you may be wondering why the daily happiness has stopped. I would love to tell you that I was off traveling the world or following my favorite band or even volunteering at the local zoo; unfortunately, none of that is true. Heck, I haven’t even been that busy with school work. Nope, life has been somewhat average. But you see, that has been just the problem. Average life to me is so completely uninspiring! Doing the same thing each week, seeing the same people, listening to the same music…the same ole song and dance with no break in the routine!!! Which brings me to my truth I re-realized while I’ve been away.
If you are feeling dull and are so bored with your life, well, it is up to you to do something about it! Don’t sit around like I did waiting for a gust of inspiration to pick you up because it may or may not come. We are lucky on days when the world drops inspiration right in our laps, but most of the time it is up to us to search for it.
So where do we look? Where can we find inspiration? My favorite places to find inspiration are people. My oldest source is my best friend, Lillie. She radiates creativity. I wish I could spend everyday with her. (She is a whole post in herself, I need to put that on my to-do list.) Connecting and sharing ideas with people are my first go-to during my inspiration hunt. I feel my best when I spend time with my creative friends— the writers, the photographers, the idealists, the painters, the musicians. You are all great inspiring people.
Other top inspiration places include (but are definitely not limited to):
- Places, go somewhere, see things, experience cultures! Get the travel bug.
- Music- ALL music. (especially live) The saxophone is my favorite 🙂
- Reading. Poetry, your old journal, biographies, quotes, romance novels. Doesn’t matter— whatever strikes your fancy.
- Art museums
- Your neighborhood, these are sometimes the best. Walks around the block are great to clear your thoughts.
So the answer to the question really is, everywhere. You can find inspiration everywhere.
Live with a goal to inspire others and you will be inspired, I promise.
On days when your inspiration tank is running low, try to inspire someone else. I warn you- this is not easy. It takes a lot for you to even realize that you are in need of inspiration. Which is clearly why it is important to stay inspired! Keep doing the things that make life interesting to you. If that is building statues out of your food, do it. If it is writing down your thoughts, do it. If it is driving the scenic route on the way home, do it. Think outside the box, open your mind, create inspiration.
You Can Make A Grey Day Pretty.
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