Inspired by the younger

Some raw words from my little brother:

We wake up to the world each day
not knowing what is going to come before us,
what He has planned for us.
We have to take it-
bad or good.
It’s planned to do something right
We make mistakes to… teach or to learn.
The next thing is a surprise just as the next.
We live throught it,
we fight
and get through it.
It’s a gift.
-Tucker, age 15

me & brother

I could be wrong, but I don’t think he spent much time on this poem. I’m pretty sure these words just flowed from his brain onto the blank notebook page because it is wrote in a stream of consciousness. As he takes us through his thought process we learn his raw view of life.

Stream of Consciousness is my favorite method of writing. It is so private, so secretive. It is like the writer grants us intimate access to their thoughts and just for a moment we change our perspective and we become inspired. These simple, yet profound thoughts of my little baby brother did just that. Thanks for reminding of what life is about, brother. Today IS a gift from God and you are right we should be thankful for the good and bad days! Life is unexpected and everything happens for a reason. So if you mess up, learn from it and move on. God has a plan, keep your hope.

Thanks Tuck for opening my eyes. I love you and  am so very proud of you.

#Poetry #Brother #life #Inspir #God

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