Best Moments of the AT: Trail Magic from Nature

I have many favorite moments from my time on the Appalachian Trail. However, this is the one that I daydream about most. It was around 4:30am in the Maine wilderness. I was hiking alone, still waking up, when this sunrise stopped me in my tracks. For a moment I swear I could feel everything more intensely. As if my feet grew roots and wrapped me around the boulder that was beneath me. I was captivated by the birds, the sway of the top of the trees, the wind, the warmth, the energy that was present. Everything was glowing and I was the only one around to experience it. "This is Trail Magic," I remember thinking. "This is supernatural. This is what inspires great art. This is a gift. This is the work of my creator. This is exactly what people are missing." I carried that very still, quiet moment with me all day. And now whenever I need peace, I journey back to this time of wild, magical connectedness. Mmmmmm. Such. Good. Medicine. 🌿🐦��🐿🌞#thewandertrees

Best Moments of the AT: Trail Magic from Nature

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