Monday, July 3, 2017

more love, less fuss

I love this. BUT these words can also be my poison.

Here are some rambles for my inner critic and my fellow recovering perfectionists who strive so hard to meet those grand, beautiful expectations- YOU ARE ENOUGH. We are enough. Just simply being and showing up and trying is enough. We live under tremendous pressure these days- To be better, to achieve, to please, to fit in, to stand out, to be strong while being vulnerable. We are even pressured to live in the moment. It's so damn overwhelming and confusing.

Ahhhh, how does a regular ole gal do it? It just doesn't seem possible.

I want to be "all the things" all of the time. Enough is never enough for this inner achiever! We must push and push until we get to the destination. We have the grit and determination, right? Haha, until we burnout, have a panic attack and find ourselves eating too much pizza asking ourselves if we will ever be enough. We must remember to quiet that little ambitious voice from time to time and be proud of the days work.

We have to stop doing this to each other, folks. Demanding more from one another, whatever that may be. I've recently become aware of how much I expect of my family, friends and even strangers. I'm constantly being the food police with my family. "Mom, you didn't buy organic...." and always over criticizing my friends' creative projects. "Ehhh ... it could be better if you made this adjustment". It comes from a place of love, but lacking grace and compassion. Maybe, Mom didn't buy all organic this time but she did make sure there were a plethora of fruits and veggies. And yeah the little tweak to the website could have made a difference but was it really worth killing the mood of an excited finished project? We have to meet each other in the middle & expand our awareness to see how hard we are all trying.

Next time you catch yourself thinking about how it/he/she could be better, different or anything other than what is, just shoot love beams from your being. Let's see what happens. 💛more love, less fuss. 💛

practice round- (boyfriend wearing all black...again) Does this look ok? Me: I love love love love love love love it!!! ❤️❤️ (insert sound effects off love beams) ⚡️⚡️⚡️

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Spirit Guide, Dandelion

My insides must look something like this. A playground with wild plants and helping spirits. 💛

When I took on the name "Dandelion" during my journey on the Appalachian Trail, I had no idea how much it would honor and reflect my soul personality.

<<<>>>Wild, Full of Wonder, Nostalgic, a friend of the wind, a symbol of Determination and Hope. <<<>>>

I've learned that Dandelions are one of the Great Creator's way of guiding us back to a place of faith. When I think about how the seeds of one plant can scatter and produce new life, peace washes over me. If little me was created with sooooo many big ideas and fascinations, it must be for a reason. I just have have to wait on the wind to guide them. Thanks to Dandelion for keeping my spirits high and for our most recent encounters on Mount Pisgah. So much yellow, happy, sunny solar plexus vibes, y'all!!! Thanks @kontomble_medicine for sharing this image.

Spirit Guide, Dandelion

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Hello, I'm Amber.

I feel like an introduction must take place before we get into the deep stuff.

So hello! I’m Amber. Let’s see if we are possible soul mates.

Some of my all-time favorite things (in no particular order):

  1. talks with God through nature
  2. ripe strawberries
  3. personality tests (this one was a game changer)
  4. intimacy and deep conversations- no small talk here
  5. crescent moons
  6. merlot
  7. fresh cut wild flowers
  8. rainbows
  9. watching my kitten jump/fall off of things
  10. dream journaling with a cup of hot tea
  11. spontaneous sex with my Leo
  12. this song
  13. old bookstores
  14. Henry David Thoreau
  15. naked river baths
  16. my friend Brittany’s laugh
  17. remote areas in southern Utah
  18. love stories (especially mine)
  19. dancing with women
  20. pretty much everything about being a women (even my cycle . . . gasp!)
  21. this app
  22. moving water
  23. song birds- especially the ones habitating at high altitude in Maine
  24. creating self care rituals
  25. lavender baths
  26. Instagram
  27. coffee shops
  28. the community and culture surrounding the Appalachian Trail
  29. candles
  30. being a sister
  31. the wisdom I’ve gained from owning a business
  32. Disney movies

I grew up in a small town in Sevier County, TN- hiking the Smokies, jumping in rivers, and cheering on the local football team. Now I live Asheville, NC with my boyfriend, dog and kitty. We live a wonder-full life with fresh food, art and lots of stand up comedy. I feel fortunate to be walking on Earth with all of you. It’s an exciting time here! I’m currently apprenticing with a local energy healer and studying many modalities that I think will be very useful to those going through life transitions. My passion to work with young women led me here!

I am excited to share more and hopefully get to connect with those of you out there that are riding the same wave. I’ll leave you with this quote from e.e. cummings that always inspires me when I am starting out on new ventures.

“To be nobody but yourself – in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you like everybody else – means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight – and never stop fighting. – e.e. cummings

Keep being you! I’m with ya all the way.

beaming love your way ~


Hello & Welcome!

Awkward first post vibes here.

I feel like an introduction must take place before we get into the deep stuff.

So hello! I'm Amber. Let's see if we are possible soul mates.

Some of my all-time favorite things (in no particular order):

  1. talks with God through nature

  2. ripe strawberries

  3. personality tests (this one was a game changer)

  4. intimacy and deep conversations- no small talk here

  5. crescent moons

  6. merlot

  7. fresh cut wild flowers

  8. rainbows

  9. watching my kitten jump/fall off of things

  10. dream journaling with a cup of hot tea

  11. spontaneous sex with my Leo

  12. this song

  13. old bookstores

  14. Henry David Thoreau

  15. naked river baths

  16. my friend Brittany's laugh

  17. remote areas in southern Utah

  18. love stories (especially mine)

  19. dancing with women

  20. pretty much everything about being a women (even my cycle . . . gasp!)

  21. this app

  22. moving water

  23. song birds- especially the ones habitating at high altitude in Maine

  24. creating self care rituals

  25. lavender baths

  26. Instagram

  27. coffee shops

  28. the community and culture surrounding the Appalachian Trail

  29. candles

  30. being a sister

  31. the wisdom I've gained from owning a business

  32. Disney movies

I grew up in a small town in Sevier County, TN- hiking the Smokies, jumping in rivers, and cheering on the local football team. Now I live Asheville, NC with my boyfriend, dog and kitty. We live a wonder-full life with fresh food, art and lots of stand up comedy. I feel fortunate to be walking on Earth with all of you. It's an exciting time here! I'm currently apprenticing with a local energy healer and studying many modalities that I think will be very useful to those going through life transitions. My passion to work with young women led me here!

I am excited to share more and hopefully get to connect with those of you out there that are riding the same wave. I'll leave you with this quote from e.e. cummings that always inspires me when I am starting out on new ventures.

“To be nobody but yourself – in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you like everybody else – means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight – and never stop fighting. - e.e. cummings

Keep being you! I'm with ya all the way.

beaming love your way ~


Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Answers in the bones.

The answers are always alive in us. Yet, for some reason or another they are not always available to us. Or maybe they are! 🤔 Anyway, it sure does feel hazy when an idea strikes! ⚡️I tend to have soooo many questions. (also sooo many ideas) Like, "ok, Spirit, I hear you but can you speak a little louder about: how, when and why???" Dreams, creative projects, big ideas and soul callings require so much patience and strength and WORK. I posted early today on @opalandwonder's instagram feed about how entrepreneurship is such a grand spiritual journey. So freakin' true. Keep the faith, fellow manifestors! I'm with ya all the way. 🌟

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

"To be great is to be misunderstood."



A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines. With consistency a great soul has simply nothing to do. He may as well concern himself with his shadow on the wall. Speak what you think now in hard words, and to-morrow speak what to-morrow thinks in hard words again, though it contradict every thing you said to-day. — 'Ah, so you shall be sure to be misunderstood.' — Is it so bad, then, to be misunderstood? Pythagoras was misunderstood, and Socrates, and Jesus, and Luther, and Copernicus, and Galileo, and Newton, and every pure and wise spirit that ever took flesh. To be great is to be misunderstood.
- from Self-Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Spirit Guide, Moth

Greetings from God in moth form. ✨love these Messengers of hope. ✨
〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰 🦋Head toward the light your own unique way. 🦋Open your wings. You are ready to feel the sky. 🦋

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Animal Spirit: Snake

Snake Messages

〰 Layers have been shed. Time to MOVE around in this new skin with a sense of lightness, CONFIDENCE and flexibility. What are you waiting for? The possibilities are INFINITE. 🐍🌀🙏🏻🌀🐍 Thanks snake guide! #spiritspeaks

Friday, April 21, 2017

We are, we are, we are.

••• Hi, Spring. Hi, new life. Hi abundance that is always available at every second. Feeling these words from @dr_clarissa_pinkola_estes DEEP in the soul space. •••

We do not become healers.
We came as healers.

We are.

Some of us are still catching up to what we are.
We do not become storytellers.

We came as carriers of the stories 
we and our ancestors actually lived.

We are.

Some of us are still catching up to what we are.
We do not become artists.

We came as artists.

We are.

Some of us are still catching up to what we are.

We do not become writers…dancers…musicians…helpers…peacemakers.

We came as such.

We are.
Some of us are still catching up to what we are.

We do not learn to love in this sense.

We came as Love.

We are Love.

Some of us
 are still catching up
 to who 
 truly are.

-Clarissa Pinkola Estes, #womenwhorunwiththewolves

photo: @lexibadams

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Potent Bridges to the great Beyond

This art says it all. Feeling more in alignment after an ammmazing soul session with local shaman, Bloom Post. And then to top it off, last nights' sky! Wow. The moon's invitation to reflect, release and receive seemed so potent. Incredibly happy we have the night sky to look at every night. To soak in all the healing lights. To remind us that there is so much more to this life. Praying everyone who also experienced a chaotic 2016 is beginning to feel the peace and light. 🙏🏻Thanks Devany Amber Wolfe of Serpent Fire for creating this piece of work that reflects so much new vitality, balance and power. 🌙 #awakening

Monday, February 6, 2017

Moving From Depression to Expression

frommoon2moon tumblr


Be kind for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. - PLATO

Have you ever felt water turn into fire? I'm talking about the tears that carry so much weight, so much heaviness that they seem to create a sort of combustion inside of your belly. It's not long before you are picking yourself off the floor in a bout of rage. This, my friend, is your soul's way of transmuting emotions. This is turning water into FIRE. This is the space where great art is created. This is the fire that transforms lives. This is what the road of depression to expression feels like.

Are you depressed and ready to start healing through expressing yourself more fully? I say do it. Let the tears fall. Let it all out. Get mad. Set the fire, be kind to yourself. No Judging. Let the emotions lead. Soon, you will find yourself exactly where you wanted to be.

Trust me.

I recently had an awakening that left me out in the cold. It was the sort of awakening that  completely shattered my world. Everything I believed and trusted was turned upside down. My relationships, faith in God and health were stripped away in one single day. All of my "stuff" came into the light and I spiraled fast. I was not the least bit equipped to handle the insight and repressed emotions that came riding on the awakening wave. (More on this story, later.)

But here I am a year later, much, much different .

Still fighting. Still alive.

Inspired to share my story. Letting my vulnerabilities and sufferings be of service.

Here we grow!


Amber Adams Niven. Theme by STS.