You may be thinking, “What are Mental Mountains?”
Well, they are just like they sound. Mental Mountains are the challenges that take place in our minds. Every daring creative pursuit involves overcoming at least one. They require a strong and steady spirit to reach the top. Some take days and others take years.
I’m talking about fear, self-doubt, perfectionism and facing the unknown. Ewwww, I know. Do those words send tingly feelings down your spine? It’s ok, they aren’t so bad. Actually they are insightful little guides. OK, let’s get to it. What mountain are you climbing?
7 steps to Climbing Mental Mountains
A Creative Approach to Getting Out Of Your Own Way
Climbing mental mountains is no easy task. It’s not really fun, but it’s necessary in order to live a creative, holistic life. Once you are at the top it will be totally worth it. First, we will determine what mountain you are facing. Then we can chart the course, blaze a trail and climb it!
Provisions you will need:
- Adequate Courage
- Willingness to Believe
- A good companion (dogs count)
- Inspiring reading material
- Journal for documenting
What you gain:
- Self Respect
- Self Confidence
- Strength of the Heart
- A big leap closer to your dreams.
- A valuable vantage point.
Step 1. Stop & Listen
What is standing in the way of you and the life you want to live? All you have to do is listen to the voice that arises when you think about your dreams.
Step 2. Name the inner resistance
Give the voice a name. For example, when I hear my inner critic telling me that my writing isn’t good enough that’s when I know I have to climb the mountain of “Perfectionism“. Or if she starts to remind me how hurt I got when my last idea flopped, I know I have to overcome the “Fear of Failure” mountain.
Step 3. Route the Course
Once you know what Mountain (or Mountains in some cases) life is assigning you to climb, then you can begin to sketch a route. This is where creativity comes into play. Like the true Trailblazer you are, it’s time to find your own way through. You can choose to run up it or maybe switch-backs are more your style.
Step 4. Be your own cheerleader
Climb with Love. I’ve noticed that the more Self-Love talk I give myself along the way, the faster I get to the top. Reassure your inner critic that you are safe and are capable of getting to the top. Let the wind sing you your song. Listen, it will.
Step 5. Ask for guidance
Ask for Guidance. If you are struggling with Step 3 and 4 or maybe you just need some affirmation, then turn to your confidant. Tell them what you are struggling with and ask if they can see a way through. Sometimes all we need is a fresh set of eyes. You can also call on your “other than human” guides. Ancestors, angels, spirits of the great beyond!
Step 6. Nourishment
Don’t skip lunch. Your brain needs food. GOOD food. COLORFUL food. Find a tree to lunch with. I’ve come to learn that they are good lunch buddies. (and good listeners)
Step 7. Keep Going
The Final Push. There is always a final push at the end. Adrenaline may kick in as you reach the tree line and sense the top is near. This is a good time to read your inspiring material to be sure you stay focused on your goal of completion. Don’t look back now.

Mental Mountains are not just Creative Blocks. They are valuable gifts on the Self-Discovery journey!
Ahh, sweet perspective
You did it! Take off your pack. Kick off your shoes. Look what you just hiked! Now that you are at the top basking in the warm sun, you can see how far you have come. (hey, that rhymes) This is when you need to pull out your journal and write about your dreams! With a strong sense of accomplishment, you are bound to unleash your best work. Mountaintops give Clarity, Strength and a fresh sense of Wonder. Breathe in the fresh perspective and remember that your dreams are worth fighting for.
Happy Trails,
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