U-N-F-O-L-D-I-N-G. 🌸
Adding layers, peeling them back, letting them go or tucking some away for another day. We all contain so much wisdom in our layers of life experiences. Today, I let one go. Today I choose not to feel bad about wearing lipstick and mascara. Somewhere (probably while hiking the AT) I picked up a story that wearing makeup was dishonest and not “natural” enough. 〰️〰️〰️ Jeeeee-wiz, amber. Loosen up, girl. You can be so rigid and serious sometimes. Right?? Hmmmm, so today’s wisdom seems to be coming through as : if it feels good, don’t suppress or resist it. Do it! Be it! Love it! And maybe, find some time to be a little silly. 💋💄💁♀️💃🏻 #rejoice in #femininity !!! #hershelterpoetry
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