Like usual, I woke up with the urge to pee. I waddled downstairs to our newly installed toilet and discovered that I had just lost my mucus plug. (I know, sounds gross and weird) I went back upstairs and in a very calm, matter-of-fact tone told Josh: "babe, it's happening." I crawled back in bed and went back to sleep for a few more hours. I credit my hypno-birthing daily practice for how calm I was through-out my pregnancy and even the moments leading up to the birth!
I knew we were close but I was sure we had a couple more days before the actual birth. After all, the birthing class we took prepped us that pre-labor could last up to two weeks! However, I was determined for River to be an October baby like his mama (ha, like I had any control over his birthdate).
We both had full days planned, conveniently being at our most favorite places. Josh went to the skatepark, while I went to the spa. Truly divine timing. <3 Well done, universe!

For me, saying goodbye to my pregnant belly meant taking million selfie photos the morning I went into labor. Ha!
Although, I most have known on some level that River was coming because I was snapping photos of my belly every hour. I also pulled into Walmart like I was on mission. . . and truly I was. A mission to get Pumpkin Pie in my mouth as quick as humanly possible. :)

I sent this photo to my sister with a text that had way to many emojis regarding my feelings about pie for breakfast. Also, I randomly had a fork in my car and was really thankful for that.
Before I arrived at the spa to receive some good body love, I had to do some candle deliveries. Side note- I was able to carry 40 lbs of candles up and down 3 flights of stairs on the reg. and definitely credit this obligated form of exercise to my wonderful pregnancy and birthing experience.
My "Braxton- Hicks" contractions seemed strong, but at this point I was still convinced that River was staying in there until a few more days. Boy, was I wrong! I somehow got it in my head that my next body cue was my water breaking or when I started to feel contractions in my back. (Little did I know that not everyone experiences back-labor.) My water never broke, nor did I experience back-labor.
12 pm | Spa Time
I showed up to the spa where I met Joshua's mom, Jade (best-esthetician-EVER) and told her a had lost my mucus plug and had been feeling the "Braxton-Hicks" contractions all day. "Amber, you are in labor," she said. (She's the ultra-intuitive type and she was right.) STILL, I was convinced that we had plenty of time before River arrived because I wasn't feeling any pressure in my back.
So I got my facial and we starting tracking the contractions. They were consistently 12 minutes a part at this point. I remember laying there, holding my belly, feeling the tightening of each contraction and very much at peace. Every 12 minutes calling out to Jade "here's another one . . . ok it stopped."

The day was turning out to be the most perfect beginning of River's journey into the world. I was in my happy place and feeling so serene and connected to my body.
Josh called to check-in from the skatepark: "Hey! Mom just texted me and said you were in labor???" I simply replied back: "nah, I really don't think so . . . call ya when I leave!"(contractions were now 1o minutes apart)
During my massage, the contractions started getting more intense and thought: "ok, oh wow, this may be happening." I had the therapist incorporate acupressure points to help the baby get in the optimal position for birth. River had spent his whole time curled up on my right side and we were trying really hard for him to move into a better position to avoid delivering him "sunny-side up". And whatever she did worked worked like a charm!
5:30 pm | Midwife Check-in
I called my mid-wife after leaving the spa and was told to go home and notify her if the contractions got more intense or if I started having them 4 minutes apart. Still, I'm wondering . . . is this happening tonight? tomorrow? next week? I have no idea. During my hour commute home, I called to update my family. Then I turned on my Birthing Affirmations cd that I listened to everyday, rolled down the windows and enjoyed the ride home. My baby was coming soon.
6:30pm | Trying to Stay Calm While at Home
I pull up to the drive way of our house. It's long and bumpy and I'm feeling my body telling me that it's time. It's time, it's time, it's time. But the more logical side of me wanted to hear it from my mid-wife because, btw, she is the expert. . .
So I went upstairs, plopped on my birth ball and tried to get some work done. Which lasted all of. . eh. . .5 or 10 minutes. Contractions were getting stronger and longer. I started to get a little panicky and anxious.
We need to get to Asheville, was all I kept thinking.
Luckily, the day before, I had packed our bags so that we would be ready to go to the birth center at any given moment. I even created a little booklet that had a list of "Things to do before leaving the house", birthing affirmations and hypno-birthing cue words for Josh. I had a playlist and candles, palo santo, essential oils and items to look at during labor to remind me of my spirit guides and my own inner strength. I had a whole vision for my birthing time.
None of that stuff really mattered in the end, but I love planning a good ceremony and the intention was there.
Anyway- There I was, on my birth ball, leaning over my bed, my thoughts racing. I think we need to leave . . . I gotta call mom . . . I need to relax . . . but I can't settle in and relax when I know we need to leave soon . . . I'm bleeding, what does that mean?! . . . I want to call the midwife again but my contractions aren't constantly 4 minutes apart yet . . . but when they are, what does that mean?? Will we have time to get to the birth center? WE are an hour away. . .should we just drive there and wait in the parking lot?? . . . I need Josh . . . why is he asking me if we are still making curry for dinner?! . . . ok, relax, amber just get somewhere and relax.
7:15pm | Making the Journey to Asheville
My contractions were now one minute long and coming every four minutes. I get the midwife on the phone and update her.
Hey Melissa, it's Amber, ummm . . . so I think I need to leave my house. My contractions are getting worse and. . . uuuuuuuuhhhhhg, hold on, another one is coming.
At this point, Josh grabs the phone and I'm leaning over the sink waiting for the contraction to pass. Hoping that we will get the O.K. to come to the birth center so I can finally settle in, turn my mind off and let my body take over. But we didn't get the O.K. Instead, she told Josh to get me in the shower and to call her back with an update.
~~~~~~ This part of the night is blurry. All I remember is bits and pieces of Josh running around the house- trying to feed the animals, get our stuff in the car and get clothes on me. And being really concerned about updating our moms. And then being in the car on our way to Asheville. ~~~~~~
9:08pm | Arriving at the Birth Center
My contractions just kept intensifying. I tried not to hold my breathe. I tried to "sink into the pain" like the way we talked about in our birthing class.
I was tracking them on my phone and grunting "ok go . . . ok stop" with each rise and fall. It seemed like it took so long to get there. But we made it.
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