What is it?

What are you focused on? What are you working towards? What is up ahead? What Mountain are you climbing? What is at the top? What will your reward be?

- A flower garden?

- A lover that really gets you?

- A pay increase?

- More play and less stress?

- A friend or lover?

- A trip to Spain?

- A little plot of land in the mountains?

- A steady income?

- A closet of clothes that feels like you?

What do you go to bed thinking about? What do you wake up thinking about?

For me, it's so complicated. Yet, so simple.

In a lot of ways, I have accomplished many of my dreams. I have a lover who honors and respects me. I have a beautiful son. And I have a cozy home in the mountains. But my soul longs for more. I dream of community and art that will start movements. I dream of spontaneous road trips. I dream of peace, beauty, ease, connection, power and sacredness.

I guess I dream of feeling good most of all. Feeling good and doing good. I'm still just a girl who carries around a heavy soul with a pocket full of dreams. And a head full of questions.

God, please send more dreamers my way. Send us an anchor so we don't drown in our sea of ideas.

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