Monday, February 28, 2011

A Delicious Addition


Say hello to aetate, the newest writer of Pink Medicine! I think you will find her posts very appetizing… Check out her 1st post tomorrow!

Make a To-Do list.

Make a to-do list every monday morning of all the things you want to accomplish through the week. It is a great way to get yourself motivated! Hold your friends accountable.

Have a great week ladies!!

#mondays #totolist

Friday, February 25, 2011


funky dreams

May you do what you want this weekend.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Are you stuck in your comfort zone?

What is a comfort zone?

A comfort zone is the working, living and social environments you are used to. It is the place where you feel secure and well, comfortable. Your comfort zone determines the types of people you hang out with and the places you may go. I guess you can say that your comfort zone determines your lifestyle.

Is your comfort zone holding you back?

Our dreams and goals are tied directly to our comfort zone; therefore, in order to change or grow we must be brave enough to venture outside our comfort zone and experience new environments. We can not turn our daydreams into reality without taking that scary first step! For example, you may be stuck daydreaming (fantasizing) about living in New York while working for Vogue, because you are afraid of what might happen if you leave a community where you are well known or quit a well established job. But until you shake your fears loose, you will be stuck daydreaming.

Do you feel discontent with life right now? Maybe you need to do something that scares you…

Step Outside Your Comfort Zone

It all comes down to fear…

The thought of trying something new can cause our heart to race. At the threshold of every new experience looms the possibility of failure and rejection, leaving you wrestling with (or simply giving in to) a healthy dose of fear.

The simple truth– fear robs us of our happiness, causing us to settle for far less than we’re capable of.

Fear, the reason why so many of us stop believing in ourselves, stop pursuing our dreams and stop love from growing. And none of us are immune to it.

It all comes down to the Comfort Zone. It all comes down to Fear.

Find your strength. Step outside your comfort zone. Take a risk.

Note: It does not have to be a HUGE step, for instance, overcoming your fear of heights by bungee jumping. Baby steps can get your heart racing. Go ahead, tell your crush you like him before it’s too. late.

#believe #comfortzone #dreamsandgoals #fear

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Let your life be amazing!

“Do me a favor… Stand up, walk to wherever the nearest window is, and just look outside. You may not know this, but there’s an entire planet-worth of summers, friends, sunsets, street lamps, songs, late nights, great films, and night skies waiting for you. Your life is as amazing as you want it to be, but first, you have to let it be that way.” Chad Snug

thinking about making some of these flyers...

I hope your week has been fabulous so far! Take time to think about how wonderful life is. Take time to thank God for all he has blessed you with. I have been thinking about how much I take my health for granted. I have yet to be in the hospital, no broke bones, no major sicknesses- not many can say that. There are people all over the world suffering from illnesses, so today I thank God for making me a healthy strong individual! Oh and the weather, this weather is doing my soul good.

Enjoy the rest of your week. And ladies, LET YOUR LIFE BE AMAZING!

#admireyourlife #Inspire #quote #sunsets

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Find Your Phrase

Everyone has one…just not everyone has found it yet.

Your Phrase: (n.) A small group of words that you identify with.

This could be through symbolism or events in your past.

It could be spiritual or lyrical. Or both. Or neither.

It could be surface-ish and fun or deep (and still fun).

It can take some explaining or be quite obvious.

It might inspire you or it might remind you.

The one rule is to keep it short! No mission statements or mottos allowed. This is simply a phrase.

The second part to that one rule is BE ORIGINAL. There is a place for “Live Laugh Love” etc. but not in your phrase.

What’s my phrase you ask? It is: Desert Bread and Vineyard Wine.

My reasoning: Hosea 2:14-15 “So I am going to attract her; I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her. There I will give her back her vineyards, and I will make  the Valley of trouble a door of hope.” There is just something about the image of being lead out to a place  that seems so deserted and painful only to be given vineyards and hope that connects so deep in my heart and helps me trust when all I see is blowing sand and geckos.

(Other reasons include: Manna in the desert, water to wine,  the temptation of Jesus, He is the Bread of Life, He is the vine, and we are the branches, The Lord’s supper,  wine is used as a healing balm in the story of the good Samaritan,  I personally like bread and wine, and I also have a thing for deserts and vineyards.)

Phrases may take time, or they may come to you all of the sudden. Good Luck!

(Phrases are not to be glorified in themselves, they are to remind us of that which we want to embody.)

Monday, February 21, 2011

What mood are you wearing?

Do you wear your mood?

Instead of telling everyone that you are having a case of the mondays, maybe you should just wear a color that alludes to your current state of mind. Today, i am wearing green and feeling kind of lucky. What will you be wearing today?

RED: excitement, strength, passion, speed, violence, and love
YELLOW: hope, happiness, dishonesty, illness, idealism, and imagination
BLUE: peace, cold, stability, depression or sadness, order, trust, and confidence
ORANGE: energy, flamboyant, expansive, and balance
GREEN: luck, renewal, envy, fertility (brides in the medieval ages wore green to their weddings), generosity and inexperience
: mourning, royalty, wisdom and transformation
: stability, endurance, simplicity and comfort
WHITE: purity, reverence, birth, innocence and humility
BLACK: sexuality, remorse, sophistication, death and power

Color: Meaning, Symbolism and Psychology

#caseofthemondays #colors #moods #psycholgy

Friday, February 18, 2011


May you jump at every opportunity to say “I love you.”

#catphoto #iloveyou #jumping #tgif

Thursday, February 17, 2011

What is true strength?

Anyone can give up. It’s the easiest thing in the world to do … but to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, now that’s true strength. Push through the rough and do what you have to do. Choose to be strong.
“You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.” -Jon Kabat-Zinn

#choice #strength

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Welcome Aboard!

Ladies, say HELLO to the 1st contributors of Pink Medicine!



nicole marie

I’m so happy to have these lovely ladies on board. I think you will be pleased with their uplifting spirits as they write about what they are most passionate about. As contributors, one of them will post each week. If you like what you see, make sure to leave a nice comment. You have no idea what a little positive feedback does for us writers.

We have all been working hard to bring you some lovely thoughts. So stay tuned, because the best of Pink Medicine is yet to come!

Thanks AJ, nicole marie & kate for wanting to take part in this lovely work of art with me.

Don’t miss tomorrow’s post, written by AJ.

You have to be brave with your heart…

so others can be brave with theirs.

It is by taking chances that we learn how to be brave.

Don’t shut love out of your life by saying it’s impossible to find.

The quickest way to receive love is to give love.

The fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly;

and the best way to keep love is to give it wings.

I hope you had a luxurious Valentine’s Day. I got spoiled with flowers, thrift shopping, an Audrey Hepburn DVD collection and lots of hugs and kisses! However if you didn’t get showered with love, it’s OK! Valentine’s Day is such a tricky holiday- it leaves people feeling more loved and others feeling more alone. As the world celebrate love and romance, just remember you are not alone, you have God. And he is able to give you so much more love than any human can possibly think about giving. The one who gave you this amazing life you are living right now, he is your true valentine.

So don’t give up on love, my single ladies. Have Hope.

#beingbravewithyourheart #Valentinesday #hope #love #God

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine’s Day


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Valentine’s Gift Guide

Thought this was interesting.

Only 2 days left!

How are you and your loved ones celebrating?

#gift #lame #romantic #Valentinesday

Friday, February 11, 2011

Friday Funny

#funny #video


May you make all the right decisions this weekend.

#decisions #dilema #weekends

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Crazy Love

Does love make you crazy?

Fact or Myth? I think fact. Love bypasses sanity. When in love, you would do just about anything for that person, right? You also.. overanalyze, underestimate yourself, act on impulse, trigger obssesive behavior and create jealousy.

Bottom Line: You do stupid things…

For example, I push myself physically, mentally and emotionally in hopes to become this “perfect person.” Which we all know is impossible. Then when I fail, like all humans do, I start 2nd guessing myself and start evaluating every area of my life.When I finally come to my senses I realize how silly I am being, no one can be perfect! When you feel love, you try to be the best person you can possibly be- which is fabulous! However, trying to be perfect is not so fabulous.

What can we learn about this? Look at the big picture before acting. Take time to clear your head. Set aside your emotions and think clearly. Will this matter in the morning? Is it worth worrying about? Let things roll. Relax and trust. Be slow to anger. Be confident. Don’t 2nd guess yourself or your relationship. Enjoy crazy love. And for me, stop trying to be perfect.

“Love is being stupid together.”- Paul Valery

#crazylove #doingstupidthings #factvsmyth

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Love this moment

happy birthday little sister

O my goodness my head is spinning. I have been thinking myself sick about the future. What am I going to do after graduation? Where will I live? Where should I live? How am going to get money to go to Paris? How am I going to get money to open my own business? What will my family think of my plans? How do I mesh mine and Stacey’s dreams together? You see, it is a constant stream of worry! No wonder I can’t sleep at night, sheesh.

I’m a planner. I love to plan. I like having a goal to work towards, but this is a little excessive. My mind is on planning overdrive! Is this hitting home with anyone? Lately, I have had to constantly remind myself to breath, relax and enjoy right now. Or else I will miss life completely if I keep this up!!


Live for Today

Stop living for tomorrow or yesterday, instead live for today. This moment is your life, right now. Whatever is supposed to happen, will happen. There is no need to stress about the future.

Slow Down

You don’t want to look back and ask “where is my life?” Enjoy age 22. Enjoy the freedom. Slow down before it’s too late. Wherever you are in life…take it slow…breathe and live in the moment.

‘Don’t hurry. Don’t worry. And be sure to smell the flowers along the way.’ ~Walter Hagen

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Birthday Wishes to my Sister

If you have a sister

than you know how it feels-

to share your last piece of cake,

your brand new shoes,

and tears from heartache.

If you have a sister

than you understand the word sacrifice.

Nothing is worth more than her,

not even your own life.

If you have a sister

than you are trusted to understand

When Mom and Dad don’t…

she needs you to hold her hand.

If you have a sister

than you know what it’s like-

to lay on the beach for a weekend get-away

just because one of you had a bad day.

If you have a sister…

than you know.

You know what’s on her mind

before she even drops a line.

You know her deepest gut feeling

even if you are miles apart.

Because if you have a sister

you know what its like to share one heart.

Happy 20th my little cupcake!  I love you so much! Remember you have an excuse to eat all the cake batter you want today. 🙂

#Birthday #poem #sister #wishes

The more you GIVE the more you LIVE!

guess that’s why cats have 9 lives...

the only way to begin

is to let love in

from head to toe

love from your core

give all you’ve got

and then give a little more

love until your high on love

and butterflies live inside you

love until you are love-drunk

and your head is spinning with emotion

love until you become lovesick

and you are unable to act normally

love until you feel like you are riding the tea cups

yeah…kinda like that.

because it is a phenomenon

to be able to feel that intensity.

The more you give the more you live.

I like living by this philosophy. Not only does it stand true for love, but also the other areas of life. You can give in sooo many ways. For example, you can give your time, your money, a helping hand, you can even give compliments! I don’t know about you, but giving makes me feel more alive. And that is the whole idea! Give, Give, Give!

Live a life of meaning

Let’s live, not exist. We are on this planet together. Let’s help each other, give a little and take a little. Or maybe give A LOT and take as it comes 🙂

I need to work on giving more love even when I don’t have the stomach for it. I forget that the people who are hardest to love usually need it most. I could also give way more compassion than I do now. Sometimes I underestimate people’s misfortunes and neglect their feelings.

We all need compassion when we are fighting our dragons. [gotta make a mental note of that]

Hope you ladies are having a lovely week so far! We’ve got some good stuff coming soon, stay tuned!

#livelife #philosophy #themoreyougive

Monday, February 7, 2011

“Love is being lazy…”

Not much was accomplished this past weekend. But that is one of the beauties of love in relationships. Being able to lay around all day and just be comfortable with each other.  We ended our weekend with a conversation of love..what else.

Here is love according to my boyfriend:

(he didn’t know this would turn into a post, whoops)

Some raw, real thoughts about love on a normal Sunday evening.

by: String Bean (Stacey)

“Love is calm.

Love is being lazy.

Love is teamwork.

Love is laughing at each other.

Love is companionship.

Love is easy. . .I think. . .loving you is easy.

I think you should never force love.

Love just comes… when you least expect it.

I feel like love has lost it’s meaning. Now love is a ring or a new BMW. What happened to playing in the woods together kinda love? That’s my mushy side.

Love is bringing you apple juice & pretzels.

Love is about letting stuff fly. Like when you listened to my voicemail and called me fat. . . I let that role.

Love is understanding.”

#Loveis #StringBean #Thoughts

Friday, February 4, 2011


May your weekend be filled with kisses during this month of LOVE.

#kisses #love #tgif

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Celebrate Love

wish I had the time and talent to create these

Today, is my boyfriend’s birthday! Sorry hunny, but all I could afford was a jar of the world’s greatest marbles. Hope that is ok…

Look, I know Valentine’s Day is set aside specifically to celebrate love, but why not celebrate everyday! I mean love really is the greatest gift ever given. [this is a fabulous reason to bake a cake today]

Ways to Celebrate Love

Express loveLet all your loved ones know how much they mean to you. (call, letter, text, in person is best)

Give love- Help someone that is in need. Even if that someone is a stranger. (random acts of kindness are my favorite)

Receive love- Maybe you need to open your heart. You have no problem giving love, but accepting love is tough. Let someone in today.

Think LOVE- In everything you say and do, may it come from your heart. Be kind, love all, think love.

Now go! Purify the air with love today. Happy Celebrating, Cheers To Love!

#celebrate #cupcakes #love

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What is Love?

Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none- Shakespeare

What is Love?

Possibly the most difficult question to ever answer. I think love is the answer. Love just might be the answer to everything, but what is it? When I got to thinking about what love is, I couldn’t define it in one sentence. Heck I couldn’t define it in 2 or 3 or even 4. Come to find out, love is many things and it comes in many different forms. So is there a universal definition of love that everyone can agree on? This required extensive research…Here is what I found:

Love According To:


1. a (1) : strong affection for another  (2) : attraction based on sexual desire (3) : affection based on admiration, benevolence, or common interests b : an assurance of affection 

2 warm attachment, enthusiasm, or devotion 

3 a: the object of attachment, devotion, or admiration

4 a: unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another

5 a god or personification of love

6 an amorous episode :love affair

7 the sexual embrace :copulation

8 a score of zero (as in tennis)


a 1993 song by Haddaway

The Bible- Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.Love never ends.


intimacy, commitment, and passion

My 15 Year Old Brother-

a fairytale

Ancient Proverb-

a high form of tolerance

Alice (me)-

the stuff that comes from your heart, travels through your soul, convinces your mind, and motivates your body.

3 Types of Love

Friendship Love– This is the type of love between yourself and someone you can be completely honest, open, and comfortable with. (your best friends) You may have many friends, but I’m talking about the love you share with your best friends. You will probably only have this bond with a few people.

Romantic Love– This love covers everything from warm fuzzies to a deep emotional attachment. It is the most anticipated kind of love! You may experience romantic love many times in your life.

Unconditional Love– Also known as agape love. This love is above all love. It is love that is selfless and sacrificial. It is the love you give someone even when it doesn’t benefit you. It is the love that can never be destroyed no matter what goes wrong. (a mother’s unconditional love) Although the highest form of unconditional love is only found in God. It is divine unconditional love.

In essence, this makes up of the three fundamental elements of man: mental (friendship), physical (romantic) and spiritual (unconditional).

Note: These are just my personal views. You may may have many more different types and definitions. �


What I can conclude from this mini session on what love is? Well I think it is safe to say love is simple. Love is not complicated. People complicate love. Love simply is.

Now it’s your turn. What is your definition of love?

#meaningoflove #typesoflove

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Hello February

How was your January? Have you had a good start to this year? I hope you made some lasting memories and stories. However, if you didn’t, now is your chance to run like the wind! It’s a new day, a new month, a clean slate for you to start fresh. What will you do with it? Think about where you want to be by the end of the month and get there! Say goodbye to January & hello to fresh February… hello new me.

The Plan

I suppose this month Pink Medicine will focus on Love. It just seems right, ya dig? So let’s embrace this month of love with an open heart and open mind.

And all you love haters be prepared to have your cold heart melted. (hopefully)

Thank you all for a fabulous month of support and positive feedback! I’m looking forward to some lovely February writing! Keep on spreading the love!

#February #newbeginnings #freshstart #love #helloandgoodbye


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