Are you stuck in your comfort zone?

What is a comfort zone?

A comfort zone is the working, living and social environments you are used to. It is the place where you feel secure and well, comfortable. Your comfort zone determines the types of people you hang out with and the places you may go. I guess you can say that your comfort zone determines your lifestyle.

Is your comfort zone holding you back?

Our dreams and goals are tied directly to our comfort zone; therefore, in order to change or grow we must be brave enough to venture outside our comfort zone and experience new environments. We can not turn our daydreams into reality without taking that scary first step! For example, you may be stuck daydreaming (fantasizing) about living in New York while working for Vogue, because you are afraid of what might happen if you leave a community where you are well known or quit a well established job. But until you shake your fears loose, you will be stuck daydreaming.

Do you feel discontent with life right now? Maybe you need to do something that scares you…

Step Outside Your Comfort Zone

It all comes down to fear…

The thought of trying something new can cause our heart to race. At the threshold of every new experience looms the possibility of failure and rejection, leaving you wrestling with (or simply giving in to) a healthy dose of fear.

The simple truth– fear robs us of our happiness, causing us to settle for far less than we’re capable of.

Fear, the reason why so many of us stop believing in ourselves, stop pursuing our dreams and stop love from growing. And none of us are immune to it.

It all comes down to the Comfort Zone. It all comes down to Fear.

Find your strength. Step outside your comfort zone. Take a risk.

Note: It does not have to be a HUGE step, for instance, overcoming your fear of heights by bungee jumping. Baby steps can get your heart racing. Go ahead, tell your crush you like him before it’s too. late.

#believe #comfortzone #dreamsandgoals #fear

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