Find Your Phrase
Everyone has one…just not everyone has found it yet.
Your Phrase: (n.) A small group of words that you identify with.
This could be through symbolism or events in your past.
It could be spiritual or lyrical. Or both. Or neither.
It could be surface-ish and fun or deep (and still fun).
It can take some explaining or be quite obvious.
It might inspire you or it might remind you.
The one rule is to keep it short! No mission statements or mottos allowed. This is simply a phrase.
The second part to that one rule is BE ORIGINAL. There is a place for “Live Laugh Love” etc. but not in your phrase.
What’s my phrase you ask? It is: Desert Bread and Vineyard Wine.
My reasoning: Hosea 2:14-15 “So I am going to attract her; I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her. There I will give her back her vineyards, and I will make the Valley of trouble a door of hope.” There is just something about the image of being lead out to a place that seems so deserted and painful only to be given vineyards and hope that connects so deep in my heart and helps me trust when all I see is blowing sand and geckos.
(Other reasons include: Manna in the desert, water to wine, the temptation of Jesus, He is the Bread of Life, He is the vine, and we are the branches, The Lord’s supper, wine is used as a healing balm in the story of the good Samaritan, I personally like bread and wine, and I also have a thing for deserts and vineyards.)
Phrases may take time, or they may come to you all of the sudden. Good Luck!
(Phrases are not to be glorified in themselves, they are to remind us of that which we want to embody.)
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