Hello February

How was your January? Have you had a good start to this year? I hope you made some lasting memories and stories. However, if you didn’t, now is your chance to run like the wind! It’s a new day, a new month, a clean slate for you to start fresh. What will you do with it? Think about where you want to be by the end of the month and get there! Say goodbye to January & hello to fresh February… hello new me.

The Plan

I suppose this month Pink Medicine will focus on Love. It just seems right, ya dig? So let’s embrace this month of love with an open heart and open mind.

And all you love haters be prepared to have your cold heart melted. (hopefully)

Thank you all for a fabulous month of support and positive feedback! I’m looking forward to some lovely February writing! Keep on spreading the love!

#February #newbeginnings #freshstart #love #helloandgoodbye

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