Flow with the River

Letting go of any preconceived ideas of what your life should look like is rather hard. We grow up forming a beautiful picture of what life will look like when we are 25, 30, 49.... What we will have accomplished by then, what kind of job we will have and what our living arrangements will be. We will know what political party to vote for and attend church regularly. We will have our life in order that's for damn sure by the time we are 26. We spend years building our ideal life. Some of us measure it out in coffee spoons- detail after detail. However I was reminded today that it's good to let all of that go from time to time. Trust the process. It's ok if you are 30 and aren't married. It's ok if you lack one college credit before you can be an official grad. It's ok if you identify as a republican and but secretly like Obama. And it is completely fine to feel lost and helpless. It's time to let go and flow with the river of life. Be easy on yourself.

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