Monday, January 31, 2011
We All Have Stories to Share
This Might be Your Time
We all have dreams in our heads, words in our mouths & stories in our hearts. And sometimes I think we forget that.
We all have problems, but there are times when all we can see is our own. We become selfish. It’s easy to do- we are humans.
Maybe you know someone that is completely wrapped up in themselves. Each time you have a conversation, you talk about their problems, their dreams, their boyfriend, their weekend plans. Usually nothing to do with you, unless of course, you are apart of their weekend plans. And hey, maybe that is OK with you. Maybe you like being the person who just listens in the relationship and that is fine. But then again, maybe not. I think most of us want a 2 way connection in a relationship.
Step back and look at yourself. Are you someone that is constantly thinking about yourself? (this might be your time to “lose yourself”)
The Golden Rule
We should never forget about The Golden Rule: Treat others how you would like to be treated.
Let people share their hopes and desires with you. Give them a chance to speak. You might just learn something new about your best friend
Reach out a hand. You never know what people are going through. Ask them how they are doing.
Put yourself aside. Become selfless for a change. Open the possibilities of connecting with another human being.
Farewell January.
#thinkingofothers #thegoldenrule #loseyourself #problems #listen #thoughtfulness
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Just Be You!
“To be nobody but yourself
in a world that’s doing its
best to make you somebody
else, is to fight the hardest
battle you are ever going to
fight. Never stop fighting.”
– E.E. Cummings
Follow God and be your own person. Life is too short to be anyone else. Play with your individuality.
Stand for what you believe in. Even if it’s having dessert after every single meal. 🙂
Never conform to other’s standards or compromise your beliefs. For all you people who find it easy to follow the leader, don’t! Stay true to you and don’t change for just anyone.
Never stop fighting. Find your strength and hold tight to your morals and values.
#conform #standforwhatyoubelieve #beingyou #individuality #eecummings
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Because I need to know…
Click here to take surveyAnswer 10 questions about yourself.I promise it won’t take long.And it’s for a good cause. 🙂So please take the survey.
Thanks to everyone who has been reading Pink Medicine!
Some Top Pink Medicine ReadersReally, I am blown away by all the support and love. Continue to pass the word on. Let’s keep this thing going. It’s a good thing. Meet me here tomorrow, bring a friend or 2.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Anyone Can Fall in Love.
I am so deeply, madly, head over heels in love with this guy—————>
Everyday our relationship grows more and more stronger. Although, together we are learning that love is not easy.
Falling in Love is easy.
Staying in love?
That’s the real challenge.
It takes everything you have and then some more. It takes energy, time, patience, compassion, sacrifice, acceptance,compromise, commitment … everything, your whole heart.
[What I learned about Love this weekend]
I believe staying in Love is an Art.
Love is being there. I learned that presence is a key ingredient to loving someone. Just having someone sit with you while you cry over worries and discontentment speaks volumes. I am so lucky to have a boyfriend who listens with his heart and his ears.
Love is understanding. You are not always going to agree, but you can always understand. It’s not always easy but you find a way.
Love is romance. The little things are what keeps me on my toes. Stacey makes me feel like little ole me can make the big ole world a brighter and beautiful place.
Love is open. Gut-level, open and honest communication will keep you in love. Being completely seen by someone, completely vulnerable & committed to the moment. This is really tough for me. I like to keep all the bad feelings and emotions inside. The problem is it doesn’t take long for my inner conflicts to turn into mood swings. So before all of our worries, fears and doubts rob us of any more sleep how about trying to talk about them? I’ve learned it’s the way of love. 🙂
Love is a commitment. “Love that lasts is a commitment of one imperfect person to another imperfect person. It means that no matter what, I am committed to you and to your growth. I will be what you need me to be – not necessarily what you want me to be. If you need me to be loving and affectionate, I will be loving and affectionate. Or, if for your growth you need me to be tough and firm, I will be tough and firm. I will always strive to do and be what is best for your growth.”
Love is spiritual. Physical and emotional connection are not enough. If you want a lasting relationship, then spiritual connection is vital.
Loving relationships don’t just happen: they grow.
I have tons of respect for my parents who have been married for over 23 years. They have shown me what love is all about. And now I am experiencing it first hand with all of the ups and downs. Yeah, relationships are not always easy…actually relationships are extremely tough. They are physically and emotionally draining at times. But when you find someone that means that much to you, someone that is worth the challenges, someone that makes you want to grow stronger, someone that you can tackle life with…then I believe you will master the Art of staying in Love.
And if you are reading this and you haven’t found the love of your life yet, keep your head up. He’s out there…becoming a strong individual. So you just do you and become strong too.
#fallinginlove #lastinglove #understanding #commitment #romance #challenges
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Sneak Peak of a Pink Medicine Girl’s Night…
“A day without laughter is a day wasted.”- Charlie Chaplin
Have a laugh today, it’s on us.
Sis, sorry for kicking you in the face…twice.
Hang in there Ladies! It’s almost Friday!!!
#GirlsNight #Laughter #video
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Spring Break Fever
Summer Sun Is On The Way
Ok Christmas is over, the New Year is here, school has started so that means one thing…it’s time for Spring Break to consume our thoughts!! Haha, no I’m kidding. Really though, it is just right round the corner! So in order to prevent crash dieting and splurging on new swim suits, flip flops, tanning bed visits and pedicures let’s talk.
If you are anything like me, you let your body “rest” through the winter. I mean who doesn’t like a good 3 months of laziness and indulging in bad food. Big sweat shirts hide that extra weight gain, right? BUT then you hit panic mode as soon as it starts to get warm and you see the 1st girl in shorts. This is what we want to avoid this year.
There are things you can always be doing to make you feel comfortable in your skin.
Get Off the Couch
Get off your lazy butt and hit the gym. I know it is hard to find that ounce of motivation in the winter time; you feel heavy, lethargic and its cold outside. The couch and a cup of hot chocolate is a much more inviting- TRUE but, exercise is a must ladies! Not just for looking great, but also for feeling great and most importantly your health! So dig deep for that motivation! Get your girlfriends motivated and go burn some calories! Or you will be starring at your summer wardrobe thinking why, why, why didn’t I start exercising earlier…Eat Your Vegetables
Here’s the thing- we all know we need to eat healthy. So let’s do it.
- Break Away from fast food- Anytime I want fast food I weigh the pros and cons. Pros: cheap, fast, sometimes yummy. Cons- the amount of fat content (yahoo cellulite), the amount of grease (yahoo pimples), the possibility of unclean hands touching my food (yahoo germs), the amount of preservatives (yahoo feeling like 50 at age 22). Cons outweigh Pros every time. Sorry, if you know me, then you know thats a soap box of mine. Don’t get me wrong though, I treat myself to some Taco Bell from time to time. Just please do yourself and limit your fast food runs.
- Don’t Forget breakfast- Everyday this meal seems to become more important. Breakfast jump starts your metabolism and wakes your brain up!
- Eat Your Vegetables– this reminds me of my boyfriend’s Mom. She is always encouraging her sons to eat their vegetables. I think vegetables are a food that require encouragement. I mean who eats vegetables in college? No one. (excluding vegetarians and my roommate) Here’s the skinny, veggies are low cal and packed with nutrients! So there is no reason we should forget them. Load your plates with them! Have veggie parties in the dorm! Encourage your friends to eat their vegetables. If you are like my sister and don’t like the taste, drink V8.
- Cut Back on the sweets- oh how I dislike those 5 words. Trust me though, you gotta do it. Sugar gives us instant gratification but we seem to always forget about the crash after a sweet sugar high. Save your teeth!
Take Care of Your Skin
Winter skin is the worst- itchy, dry, and pale. Is yours screaming for some vitamin D like mine?A few things for healthy skin:
- Dry Skin Brushing- removes cellulite, removes dead skin, tightens the skin preventing premature aging, and cleanses the lymphatic system.
- Moisturize- repairs dry skin, restores elasticity.
- Take Vitamins & Eat Your Veggies
- Avoid Tanning Beds- everyone is pale in the winter there is no reason for you to buy a fake tan and destroy your elasticity. If you want some color try Jergens bronzing lotion, works for me. And if you are brave enough- spray tan.
- Drink Lots of Water
Note: Although Spring Break is a great inspiration to make changes, you need to remember taking care of your body year-round is important. Exercise and eating healthy should be a lifestyle, not just something you do to lose your winter coat or your freshman 15. Sometimes we just need a little pep talk, this is yours.
Got it?
Get to it. Spring Break is on the way!
Do not wait; the time will never be “just right’. Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along.- Napolean Hill
#fastfood #SpringBreak #eatinghealthy #skin #exercise #lifestyle
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Discover what is already there
Search high and low
Find Happiness in Nothing
I saw a painting at Bonnaroo that said “Find happiness in nothing.” It really made me stop and think– How do you find happiness in nothing? What does that even mean? Well it’s funny, ever since that day if I’m having a blah moment the bonnaroo painting pops in my head. I smile because even though it’s just an average day, there is no reason I should not be happy! Don’t waste time being gloomy. That’s no way to live life.
Find Beauty in Everything
I find everything so darn interesting. I’ll be walking down the street and point out a piece of trash because it is in the shape of a tree, then I will proceed in photographing it. Sometimes it is annoying to find the world so intriguing, but most of the time it is just fun. I really think you can find beauty in everything with the right mindset.
See Things Differently
Think differently today! If you can learn to change your perspective, you can find good and beauty in everyone. For bitter old woman are full of passion and crying children have beautiful eyes. Once you start to think like this you will radiate with happiness. Your glow will inspire people.
Give it a try, take the time to stop and look at things around you.
“It isn’t our position but our disposition which makes us happy.” -Unknown
#Perspective #disposition #beauty #findhappiness #discover #bonnaroo
Monday, January 17, 2011
Surround Yourself
Keep Your Friends In Line
“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” – Jim Rohn
Think about the 5 people you spend the most time with. . .
These are the people who have the most impact in your life. These are your influences– how you speak, what you wear, how you spend your time. It’s true- you become who you hang out with. Gosh, I used to hate when my mom would tell me that. Think about it though. If you are always around optimistic, high energy people, chances are you will become an optimistic, high energy person. If you spend most of your time with joy kills, then it will be pretty tough to become an optimistic person. And sister of mine, if you are always hanging out with people who don’t do their homework…well, you are never going to do yours.
Please note: If you are truly grounded in yourself maybe it isn’t hard to be around negative people. Maybe you are strong enough to be around negativity and still keep your smile on. Good for you. But think about how much better you could be if you were around positive people who share similar views as you do!
Are your peeps holding you back?
You want to spend limited time with people who are holding you back and the most time with people who can elevate you. No, this does not mean to call your best friend and say “sorry I can’t hang out with you tonight, you are just too negative.” It just means to be cautious of how much contact you are having with the people who do not enable you to become a better person!
So what if you can’t escape negative people? (Such as the workplace or a sports team) Well, sometimes, yes, we might have to spend our work days with a Negative Nancy, but we can still limit our contact with them. Try not to let them influence your mood. I would also suggest to surround yourself with other positive things, like photos and verses, or maybe uplifting quotes. Something that will make you smile when you see it and remind you to be happy despite our grumpy coworkers.
Stay away from sleepwalkers!
My personal opinion of the worst group of people are the “sleepwalkers.” Ya know, the people who just live day to day without any real meaning. It’s like they don’t care about anything, they just want to get by. No goals, no dreams, not worried about anyone besides themselves. I find this to be the tricky group, especially in college, because it’s easy to fall into sleepwalking and not realize it. Maybe this is you. Have you lost your zeal for life?
Life has meaning! Find it! Stay clear of the sleepwalkers and surround yourself with positive people who love life. Get excited and passionate about life.
Make Changes
Ok, now it’s time. If you are surrounding yourself with people who are not bettering you as a person, then it is time to change things up. Do yourself a favor! Search for people who love life, search for responsible people, search for openminded people, search for supportive people, search for Godly people. Surround yourself with good. Be inspired and become inspiring.
Good Luck Ladies.
#positivity #negativity #surroundyourself #friends #life #influence
Thursday, January 13, 2011
It’s OK to feel lost.
Do You Ever Feel Lost?
I have. And it might just be the worst feeling in the world, right beside heart-ache. You get to experience a bad combination of emotions- depression, confusion, hopelessness, anxiousness, disconnection, but mostly FRUSTRATION.
I think college is overflowing with “lost people.” And that makes it worse! Because you are just swimming along with a bunch of lost fish. [Beware: if you are a so called “follower” it is easy to be lead astray.] Whether it is deciding what to study, facing our soul-sucking jobs, debating where you should live, wondering where your happiness went, figuring out relationships, or even struggling to find a reason to get out of bed in the mornings…we all have dragons to fight.
Feeling lost can be healthy!
What?! How is not knowing what I’m doing with my life healthy? Because it wakes you up that’s why. There is no map telling you which way to turn. And that’s the beauty of it. YOU have to reach deep down in your soul and search for the answer. You have to ask yourself- What do I want out of life?
I finally realized feeling lost is normal and started living by this philosophy when I turned 21. Now, I view feeling lost as an opportunity to grow and learn more about myself. Feeling uneasy and unhappy forces me to evaluate and change what I don’t like about my life. Why do I feel lost? Where do I want to be? What do I need to change?
Wearing Masks, a warning
I wear masks. It’s true. I have a closet full of them ranging from Artistic Hippie to Classy Business Lady to Earth Friendly Hiker to Glamorous Model. Think about it- you probably have different masks that you wear from time to time. Another example, I know my roommate can be a super preppy girl today and extreme soccer player tomorrow.
There is nothing wrong with experimenting with different styles and personalities. That’s how you create yourself! By taking pieces you like from each.
The trick with masks is that sometimes we get lost in them. We become so wrapped up in trying to be an all star or glamour model or whatever it is that we lose our true identity, which causes us to experince that lost feeling. Find Yourself, Lose Yourself & Repeat Forever.
Bottom Line: Be your own person.
#findingyourself #identity #losingyourself #masks
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
True Reflections and Imperfections
Like what you see in the mirror.
Is it one of those days for you? Or maybe one of those weeks?
Welcome to adulthood!
I like to blame a little thing called hormones. Not only do they cause us to be an emotional train wreck, they surprise us with physical changes! (like we need more to stress about) At our age our bodies are going through so many changes…be calm. This is perfectly normal.
Your hips are widening, your face is covered in blemishes, your body is a bit curvier, your hair is flat, your down right exhausted and you just feel gross. Plus maybe you are bloating and none of your clothes fit…
I don’t know about you but this throws me into an emotional whirlwind. And then I begin to focus on all of my imperfections. Sound about right?
How do you forgive your imperfections?
I think the older you get the more you realize everyone has imperfections and you are just stuck with yours. People always say “Learn to love your imperfections.” But I find that very difficult. I have learned not to hate them. I have learned to be OK with them and accept them as a part of me. But love them? Hmm…maybe one day.
I think we just need to remember we are perfect in God’s eyes. He created us with our lovely imperfections.
Be Confident
We’ve got to be strong and confident, girls. Practice looking in the mirror and liking what you see. Embrace your body changing and know that it is all going to pass. This is normal and you are beautiful. Confidence looks so good on you.
Here’s an idea!
How about giving someone a compliment today. Sometimes it is hard to see past our imperfections that we miss our beauty. Point out how great your friend, sister or mother looks today. Build each other up, that’s what Pink Medicine is all about.
Got it?
Now go do it!
‘Be Content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.’ ~Lao Tzu
#bodyimage #changes #imperfections #reflection
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Listen To Your Mother…Always.
Because she is ALWAYS right.
She has been there, done that. So go ahead and pretend you know more than her. Soon you will realize, you don’t. Or you can do yourself a favor and listen to her, take her advice and then tell her thanks. Remember, she is always looking out for your best interests. 🙂
Here are a few life lessons from my mom:
- No guy is worth your tears.
- Always be honest.
- Document everything- photos, videos, words.
- Profanity is “so unladylike.”
- It is OK to be indecisive sometimes.
- Lifetime movies mean serious relaxation time.
- Keep family close.
- Trust in God.
- Breathe, don’t give up.
- Don’t put limitations on your possibilities.
Love you Momma.
#advice #lifelessons #mothers
Monday, January 10, 2011
Keep your head up
Sometimes Mondays get the best of us…
#comfort #feelbetter #mondays
Faith & Patience
They were hoping to fall in love...
“Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.”- God
After hours of searching for inspiration, I finally managed a decent post but all it said to me was “blah blah blah something about finding happiness.” I wanted to write something raw, something real. So in a completely frustrated state I took a break from blogging and called the boyfriend. (It’s nice to have someone who can help sort out your thoughts.)
After deep conversation, I was inspired.
Sometimes we just need to be reminded of 2 virtues- Faith & Patience.
What is Faith?
The unconditional belief in something. Whether it is faith in God or faith in people, you’ve got to hold on to it. Faith is easy to lose. It slowly fades away from you until one day you wake up and realize it’s gone. And without faith you can feel lost in the world. There are so many things to sway you from your beliefs and if your faith is not strong enough you will crumble. Be brave, there will be doubts and fears. Believe in your dreams. Believe in your God. Believe in your sister. Believe in your boyfriend. Believe in yourself. And your world will be a happier place.
What is Patience?
I like to define it as the art of hoping. Everyone has hopes and dreams and we want them right now. But sometimes, we just can’t have them right now. Therefore, patience is required. I remember how much I prayed for patience when I first met Stacey. I liked him so much and just wanted us to already be boyfriend and girlfriend. I wanted to fast forward and know everything about him. But mostly I wanted to know if our relationship would last. And then one day, it hit me. Enjoy the anticipation, I thought, have patience. Take pleasure in the butterflies and the mystery. Now, looking back, I’m so glad we both had patience. We took things slow and enjoyed getting to know each other. Patience is something I struggle with daily so I have reminders that say “Practice Patience” everywhere, one at work, one on my mirror at home, one in my car and even one on my phone. If you need to relax and practice patience, maybe you should make yourself some reminders too.
Hold On
It is inevitable- you are going to experience ups and downs. So hold on and enjoy every minute of it. Life is a crazy fun roller coaster, but it’s even better with some faith and patience.
Whatever trials you may face today have faith and practice patience.
Happy Monday!
#patience #faith #mondays #relationships #anticipation #God
Friday, January 7, 2011
May you feel like a princess this weekend!
Designed for the whimsical girl at heart.
This dreamy rose chiffon dress arrived for me in the mail yesterday and I absolutely cannot wait for my boyfriend to take me out so I can wear it! New clothes make me feel like a princess.
Side-note: I am a firm believer in treating yourself to new clothes from time to time. Don’t worry if you are on a budget. (most of us are) Thrift stores, goodwill & yard sales are great bargain places to spiff up your wardrobe! Actually they make up my favorite places to shop.
But where did this lovely addition to my wardrobe come from? . . . ETSY!
You may or may not have heard of this little piece of heaven. (If you haven’t, please have a look around, maybe even purchase something!) ETSY is a wonderful way to support independent artists and gain unique style. 🙂 It is defined as a “vibrant market place where you can buy or sell homemade and vintage items.” Here is their mission statement:
We are anthropologists of commerce. We’re curious about people and what they make, exchange and consume. By looking around at the stuff that matters to our lives, we believe we can understand more about what moves us as human beings.
Around the world, there’s a new clamoring to know the story behind what we buy — who made it, how, what route did it travel to our door? We’re here to tell these global stories, to introduce you to makers and collectors and the history of their goods.
In a perfect world I would quit my day job, start an ETSY shop, blog all day and consume lots of coffee. Who is with me?
#Etsy #supportingartists #weekends #Princess #thriftstores
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Thankful Thursdays
Thankful for Ketchup
Studies indicate that even pretending to be thankful raises the level of the chemicals associated with pleasures & contentment. Live as if you feel gratitude and soon the real thing will come!
I remember reading somewhere that 25% of people felt happier after writing a list of the things they were thankful for. So now, whenever I feel a spell of discontentment coming on, I think of all the things God has blessed me with. I immediately feel satisfied and almost foolish for feeling gloomy because I am so lucky to live the life I live. But it’s perfectly normal to feel down from time to time. Just remember, you hold the power to your happiness.
Start a list of all things good.
Today, make a list of the things you are thankful for. Don’t just think about all the good things in your life. Write it down! That way you can add to your list and watch it grow! (Maybe even start a gratitude journal) Try to be specific. You will be amazed at how great your life really is.
Don’t forget the little things.
Those are the most important ones. For example: high waisted pants, receiving “just because” text messages, ENDORPHINS, seeing people enjoying the outdoors, good smelling candles, snow days, caffeine, etc, etc.
Good Things in my Life
- A supportive family
- Beautiful girlfriends
- One loving boyfriend
- Jinx, crazy cat
- Colorful dreams
- Everyday opportunities
- Music that inspires me
- Finding peace in the mountains
- Chocolate (a given)
And list goes on…goodness what a good life! What are you thankful for today?
#Happiness #blessings #allthingsgood #life #grateful
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Can you stand on your own?
Are you the girl that waits around all day long for a text message from that certain someone before you can have a good day? Are you so dependent on other people that you forget how to help yourself? Then it is time you learn a thing or 2 about self reliance.
What is Self Reliance?
Self Reliance is a strong belief in your own capability to achieve success and happiness. It is having the courage to act by yourself instead of letting other people and events decide what you should do.
The Importance of Self Reliance
Stop giving other people control of your life. You will never find happiness that way. What happens when you never get that text message or call? Your whole day is ruined, am I right? What happens when that person you are always turning to for help isn’t there when you need them? You feel helpless. Don’t misunderstand me- Getting help is OK, we all need help and advice sometimes, but when you become solely dependent on someone else you forget how to help yourself. And girls, let me tell you, no guy wants a clingy helpless chick. Com’on you are better than that. Also, when things are going good, you see the person you are leaning on as responsible for your happiness; however, if things get bad, you begin to blame that person. Being self reliant means taking responsibility for your own happiness AND failures.
Becoming Self Reliant
- Realize the need to gain personal power so that you can steer your life in the direction you want.
- Cut the strings of dependency and stand on your own two feet. (warning: this isn’t easy)
- Trust yourself and listen to your own instincts.
- Do not depend on other sources of funds, work!
- And my favorite- Be an individual! Do not conform to the world. As a self reliant person, you know to rely on your own strengths, your own dreams and your own interests. BE YOU.
Now go out in the world fearless. Stand on your own, but don’t be surprised if you fall. This gives you a chance to pick yourself up, dust yourself off and stand again. I promise you will get stronger, and it will get easier.
I highly recommend reading Self-Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson for further reading.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Tuesday Tidbits
You’ve got to find someone in the world to be strong for.
Here is my someone.
Someone needs your support right now.
Someone needs you to listen.
Someone needs you to say “It’s going to be ok.”
Someone needs you to see through the rain.
Someone needs you to smile for them.
Someone needs you to understand.
Someone needs you to just be you.
#hope #smile #strength
Monday, January 3, 2011
Monday Morning Mojo
I know, I know. We all hate mondays. Poor Mondays, nobody likes them. (unless Monday is your day off) The thing is we are wired to dread Monday mornings. Usually late Sunday afternoon, I suddenly remember: dang tomorrow is Monday, the weekend is over and now I have to face a long week of school and work. Goodness that’s so depressing. Of course I am going to hate Mondays if I think like that.
Have no fear, Ladies! Because today is the 1st Monday of 2011 and this year we are making changes. Remember? We are starting fresh. We are no longer dreading Mondays; instead, we are excited about a new week, a new beginning, a new you.
Kick start your day!
I have been on an orange juice kick lately. It’s a healthy alternative to coffee with lots of vitamin C! It’s also full of zing and energy that help kick start your day. (exactly what you need on Mondays) I suggest going to the store and buying some. Or better yet, buying oranges and making your own! Yum!
Tea is another choice of breakfast drink. My boyfriend makes English tea in the morning that is soooo delicious. There are also a ton of varieties to choice from. And you can also feel cool when you say “I had a cup of tea for breakfast.” 🙂
If you aren’t a fan of orange juice or you are just addicted to caffeine, then grab your cup of mojo!
Think Positive
Now for the rest of the day your job is to think positive! Put on your charming smile and brighten other people’s day. Together we can kill the Monday blues.
Have a great positive week!
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Creating a healthy habit
“Smile, breathe, and go slowly.” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh
Let’s face it- it doesn’t take much for our day to start bad. You wake up and discover you have no clean underwear, it’s a bad day. You wake up and remember you have unfinished homework, bad day. You wake up and realize it’s monday, bad day. You wake up and it’s raining, bad day.
I think we all know that mornings set the mood for our whole day. That’s why it’s important to develop a strong morning practice. It doesn’t have to be anything complicated or even take up much of your time. It can be anything as simple as 5 minutes of meditation or prayer. Just something to get you in the right mindset to face the world. Remember, it’s a jungle out there and we need to be ready physically and mentally to smile for the debbie downers.
What is a Morning Practice?
I like to think of mine as a set of rituals I do between getting up and starting my day. I have a long commute to work so I use that time to meditate and talk to God. I know you are probably thinking how the heck do you meditate in the car? Honestly, it’s the best and only time I have to clear my head. On the way I drink either coffee or orange juice. After I’ve had a good 10 minutes of God time I listen to music that makes me happy. This playlist changes very often. I highly recommend a merry morning playlist.
Yoga is a popular morning practice. One day I will love yoga. I have this serene image of waking up and doing yoga on the beach and feeling amazing afterwards, but right now I am too impatient for yoga. Exercise is the best way to wake up your body. Although, for some people (myself included) exercise before lunch just sounds far too ambitious. I have always been envious of the people who could wake up before dawn for their morning run. If you can do this, power to you! Start your day off with a cup of endorphins. I’ll start mine with a cup of coffee. 🙂
Creating your practice
If you do not currently have a morning practice, start small. You don’t want to attempt something you can’t handle and eventually give up after a week. Begin with a manageable chunk of time. I would suggest 5-15 minutes and then add more time as the year goes on. If you can try to create a blend of physical and mental activities. Build your practice.
Start Fresh
Now is your chance. Don’t let it pass you by.Blow a good-bye kiss to 2010 and look straight ahead. What do you want out of 2011? The sky is the limit!
Some New Year’s Resolutions to ponder over:
- Update your humble abode- each month treat yourself to new home decor- throw pillows?
- Change your style- accessories say a lot, think outside the box
- Stay organized- color coordinate your closet, it looks cool
- Career move- burnt out?
- Learn something new- piano, astrology, ballet, French
- Better nights rest- this will also help you get good grades…
- Eat your veggies!- a good idea for you taco bell fans
- Keep in touch- grandpa won’t be around forever
- Get fit- spring break is right around the corner
- Start a blog – or just follow mine 🙂
Ok ladies, there is ALWAYS room for improvement. These are just a couple of suggestions to get your wheels turning. And remember, a resolution does not mean depriving yourself of all things good. Such as “This year I am not eating any sweets.” That is just foolish- girls need their chocolate! So how about “This year I promise to reward myself once a week/month.” Also, a resolution absolutely does not have to cost you anything. Think simple. Like this year my Mom is promising to laugh and relax more.
However, a resolution does need to be specific for you to succeed in making a difference in your life. Instead of “reading my bible more” think more like “read my bible every morning for 10, 20, 30 minutes.”
I hope this helps and encourages you to push yourself to be better! Let’s motivate each other to start fresh! Share your own New Year’s Resolution with the world. Help start the Pink Medicine Movement.
E-mail me with ideas.