Keep Your Friends In Line
“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” – Jim Rohn
Think about the 5 people you spend the most time with. . .
These are the people who have the most impact in your life. These are your influences– how you speak, what you wear, how you spend your time. It’s true- you become who you hang out with. Gosh, I used to hate when my mom would tell me that. Think about it though. If you are always around optimistic, high energy people, chances are you will become an optimistic, high energy person. If you spend most of your time with joy kills, then it will be pretty tough to become an optimistic person. And sister of mine, if you are always hanging out with people who don’t do their homework…well, you are never going to do yours.
Please note: If you are truly grounded in yourself maybe it isn’t hard to be around negative people. Maybe you are strong enough to be around negativity and still keep your smile on. Good for you. But think about how much better you could be if you were around positive people who share similar views as you do!
Are your peeps holding you back?
You want to spend limited time with people who are holding you back and the most time with people who can elevate you. No, this does not mean to call your best friend and say “sorry I can’t hang out with you tonight, you are just too negative.” It just means to be cautious of how much contact you are having with the people who do not enable you to become a better person!
So what if you can’t escape negative people? (Such as the workplace or a sports team) Well, sometimes, yes, we might have to spend our work days with a Negative Nancy, but we can still limit our contact with them. Try not to let them influence your mood. I would also suggest to surround yourself with other positive things, like photos and verses, or maybe uplifting quotes. Something that will make you smile when you see it and remind you to be happy despite our grumpy coworkers.
Stay away from sleepwalkers!
My personal opinion of the worst group of people are the “sleepwalkers.” Ya know, the people who just live day to day without any real meaning. It’s like they don’t care about anything, they just want to get by. No goals, no dreams, not worried about anyone besides themselves. I find this to be the tricky group, especially in college, because it’s easy to fall into sleepwalking and not realize it. Maybe this is you. Have you lost your zeal for life?
Life has meaning! Find it! Stay clear of the sleepwalkers and surround yourself with positive people who love life. Get excited and passionate about life.
Make Changes
Ok, now it’s time. If you are surrounding yourself with people who are not bettering you as a person, then it is time to change things up. Do yourself a favor! Search for people who love life, search for responsible people, search for openminded people, search for supportive people, search for Godly people. Surround yourself with good. Be inspired and become inspiring.
Good Luck Ladies.
#positivity #negativity #surroundyourself #friends #life #influence
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