Monday Morning Mojo

“Look at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end. It is not a day when you lounge around doing nothing, it is when you had everything to do, and you have done it.” Margaret Thatcher

I know, I know. We all hate mondays. Poor Mondays, nobody likes them. (unless Monday is your day off) The thing is we are wired to dread Monday mornings. Usually late Sunday afternoon, I suddenly remember: dang tomorrow is Monday, the weekend is over and now I have to face a long week of school and work. Goodness that’s so depressing. Of course I am going to hate Mondays if I think like that.

Have no fear, Ladies! Because today is the 1st Monday of 2011 and this year we are making changes. Remember? We are starting fresh. We are no longer dreading Mondays; instead, we are excited about a new week, a new beginning, a new you.

Kick start your day!

I have been on an orange juice kick lately. It’s a healthy alternative to coffee with lots of vitamin C! It’s also full of zing and energy that help kick start your day. (exactly what you need on Mondays) I suggest going to the store and buying some. Or better yet, buying oranges and making your own! Yum!

Tea is another choice of breakfast drink. My boyfriend makes English tea in the morning that is soooo delicious. There are also a ton of varieties to choice from. And you can also feel cool when you say “I had a cup of tea for breakfast.” 🙂

If you aren’t a fan of orange juice or you are just addicted to caffeine, then grab your cup of mojo!

Think Positive

Now for the rest of the day your job is to think positive! Put on your charming smile and brighten other people’s day. Together we can kill the Monday blues.

Have a great positive week!

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