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Find Happiness in Nothing
I saw a painting at Bonnaroo that said “Find happiness in nothing.” It really made me stop and think– How do you find happiness in nothing? What does that even mean? Well it’s funny, ever since that day if I’m having a blah moment the bonnaroo painting pops in my head. I smile because even though it’s just an average day, there is no reason I should not be happy! Don’t waste time being gloomy. That’s no way to live life.
Find Beauty in Everything
I find everything so darn interesting. I’ll be walking down the street and point out a piece of trash because it is in the shape of a tree, then I will proceed in photographing it. Sometimes it is annoying to find the world so intriguing, but most of the time it is just fun. I really think you can find beauty in everything with the right mindset.
See Things Differently
Think differently today! If you can learn to change your perspective, you can find good and beauty in everyone. For bitter old woman are full of passion and crying children have beautiful eyes. Once you start to think like this you will radiate with happiness. Your glow will inspire people.
Give it a try, take the time to stop and look at things around you.
“It isn’t our position but our disposition which makes us happy.” -Unknown
#Perspective #disposition #beauty #findhappiness #discover #bonnaroo
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