Monday, November 18, 2019
Why I’m taking a long break from social media.
We live in a seemingly connected world. Technology has enabled us to connect whenever, wherever. It has made our lives more efficient and we now have access to an abundance of resources. One can argue that we are connected to everything ALL OF THE TIME. Yet, we are finding ourselves separate from the things that matter most. Our best friends are in our back pocket, but we still feel lonely.
Distracted, Discontent and Disconnected from the real world.

sometimes you need more than a short shower
Babies bring motivation.
I vowed to get off social media until I felt more confident and connected with the things that mattered most.
Sunday, August 11, 2019
What is it?
What are you focused on? What are you working towards? What is up ahead? What Mountain are you climbing? What is at the top? What will your reward be?
- A flower garden?
- A lover that really gets you?
- A pay increase?
- More play and less stress?
- A friend or lover?
- A trip to Spain?
- A little plot of land in the mountains?
- A steady income?
- A closet of clothes that feels like you?
What do you go to bed thinking about? What do you wake up thinking about?
For me, it's so complicated. Yet, so simple.
In a lot of ways, I have accomplished many of my dreams. I have a lover who honors and respects me. I have a beautiful son. And I have a cozy home in the mountains. But my soul longs for more. I dream of community and art that will start movements. I dream of spontaneous road trips. I dream of peace, beauty, ease, connection, power and sacredness.
I guess I dream of feeling good most of all. Feeling good and doing good. I'm still just a girl who carries around a heavy soul with a pocket full of dreams. And a head full of questions.
God, please send more dreamers my way. Send us an anchor so we don't drown in our sea of ideas.
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Moods These Days (Heart Season)
Current happy moods:
Good Coffee
Sex in the middle of the day.
Cold beer (crushing on this one)
Writing poetry
Story-time at the libraryOld seasons of Survivor
Mommy meet-ups
Trips to TN to see my family
TN Sunsets (nothing beets them)
Reading books with River
Astrology with Virginia Rosenberg
Dreaming about Camp Happy Mundo
The Artist Way by Julia Cameron
Low Gluten and Dairy
Thursday, August 8, 2019
Seeking Belonging in Motherhood
Wonder with me for a moment. .
When a dream is realized but it's not how you imagined. . .
something is out of place,
or perhaps the color hue needs adjusted-
just slightly.
What do you do?
What do you do when you long for a place that no longer exists?
Or maybe it does exist, but not in the same way you remembered
Things have grown and so have you.
The place is different and so are you.
How can a dreamer be satisfied when the dreamer's dream is
actually a living nightmare?
Fear runs the month. Under the supervision of the past.
Anxiety rules over the year. Under strict supervision of the future.
vvvvvv INSERT MOM RANT (for context) vvvvv
My body hurts from carrying a 22lb baby around. Picking him, putting him down, tossing him in the air, fighting him to get his diaper on because apparently that isn't . . . fun for him. . .??? I smell like old milk. It's disgusting. I don't know what my personal style is anymore, since I can't breastfeed easily in the majority of my wardrobe, but that really doesn't even matter these days. I'm mentally checked-out. See-ya bye. I'm actually on a beach somewhere quiet. with a cold "mommy beverage" and a book, getting a massage with no pressure to do anything afterward but lounge and read a book and drink hot coffee. Yep, hot coffee and a cold bubbly drink . . . give 'em to me. No one touch me. Except for the massage person.
If I have to research one more thing about babies in the next 24 hours, I am going to combust. My brain can't take it. There is so many conflicting opinions and studies and parenting styles and people out there preaching "rights and wrongs". Bah! I don't know what the right thing to do is!? I don't feel 100% great about any decision we make and that makes me feel awful. I'm already bad about making decisions and now I have to make them for someone else! YIKES.
But, I'm not on that beach. Nope, I'm with my adorable family. In my adorable cabin-home nestled in my adorable little woodland cove. Plagued with guilt of feeling depleted and grey and ungrateful and soulfully ugly.
*** Ok, rant over. Phew.***
I did not dream of this. It just happened. Careful, sleepwalkers! You, too, can wake up in a strange reality. Left to wonder: Where the heck am I? How did I get here? And where do I truly belong?
"Where do I belong?"
I left a mom group today questioning where I belong. I felt out of place. Even though, all the moms were nice and great and we had babies around the same age and we lived close by and we all brought fruit. . . still, I found myself getting quiet and falling into the background as they started to share about their medicated hospital births and sleep training techniques and going back to work. When I was asked about my methods- I seemed to have the "outcasted" method of parenting. So many thoughts flooded my mind "OMG, am I doing this wrong?" "Ah! Do they think I am doing this wrong?!" "I want so badly to be liked so we can hang out and I can not go insane on this journey. . . "
I knew this was all bull shit. (My thoughts, that is.)
I knew I was being overly paranoid and sensitive.
I also knew that this wasn't where I belonged.
And that was fine.
This question of belonging has been eating at me. . . I tried journaling about it. Where do I feel at home? Where do I feel like I can be 100% me and feel supported. Where does my heart long to dwell? It's been a while since I have felt true belonging.
Can I create that special dwelling place? If so, what does it look like or feel like? And will others join me? Or will it just be a wall around me and my own "special thoughts and things". I'm good at creating castles where only I live and reign. Isolated- a prisoner of my own mind.
But the truth is: I don't want a castle any more. I want a village. I want like-minded people who seek truth and hunger for connection. I want in person communication. Dinner gatherings, campfire chats and morning walks.
So, the reality is, I didn't dream of this. But I am here. Still moving, still breathing.
The spark is alive and the fire is glowing. Now, if I can just find some more dead wood and helping hands. All that I can do is feed the fire.
This new journey is only just beginning.
Wednesday, July 10, 2019
Lioness Inside
I have a lot of things to say.
I think I'll start saying them... yep. Let's start with this little truth for all of my introverted, shy pals...
I grew up "the shy one" - being consistently scared of people. At times my timidness was so bad that my sister or best friend would have to speak for me. I was always, secretly living in fear. Scared of hurting, disappointing, or making others feel uncomfortable. Sound familiar? ( I've also developed a really good "I don't care" attitude, but really I always care. ) I'm really good at observing and noticing the subtleties. I have the ability to tell people exactly what they want to hear. I'm like expert people pleaser. It comes in handy sometimes. Actually, I love my spider senses of knowing what people need to hear. But I've learned that people pleasing doesn't always help. Actually, most times, the truth is hands-down the most healing. Even when it hurts. So let's do ourselves a favor and just say what we want to say. . . In the kindest, most compassionate, most understanding, empathetic way possible. ☺️ we all got problems. Woo ... ok.... that was enough for like the year. HA. #babysteps #thereisalioninside 🌋🌋🌋
photo of how I look 90% of the time by sister, Lexi B Adams. #onamission
Stillness in Motion. (a story from behind the stroller)
Stillness in movement. This has been my spiritual practice. 🏄♀️
Finding little moments to take in a big belly breath and chant my mantra. Today, River and I went for a walk in the park. As soon as he fell asleep, I desperately wanted to park the stroller and plop down on a bench to catch up on emails, read, write, meditate, really anything instead of worrying and focusing all of my attention on him.... but I knew if I stopped walking that he would wake up... because he always does. This ain’t my first time around the block. So instead, I tried my best to find stillness and peace in the walking. It felt weird. But I knew it was my only choice.
This has been my daily practice.
I hear my Guides, my ancestors, my God calling me. I hear them saying: “It doesn’t matter where you are or who you are with or what you are doing... just show up. We need to talk about things.” So I keep walking. And try to calm my mind. And I keep showing up. As much as I want to sit in a quiet little spot by the water, with my eyes closed all alone... it’s just not gonna happen right now. So I find my stillness at the back of a stroller in the midst of strangers walking their dogs. I listen deep and I hear my angels say “My child, you are an ocean with crashing, powerful waves... but even waves rest. We are here for you. Lean into us whenever you want. Keep walking.” 🙏🏻
If you, too, are seeking stillness and peace , I hope you can find it wherever you are. #thoughtsontheway#beherenow #trying #dailypractice#momlife
Found in Service of Spirit, A Poem
Here I am.
In this moment
and I can't help but feel the pull
of every women wondering
if someone else is out there.
The shy little kid in me
wants to hide. "Shhhh, be quiet . . .
don't move. They might find us."
I know this little girl is trying to protect me.
But the pull is strong
and so am I.
I have things to say to these women.
I have things to share. Like,
Hi, I'm out here and I feel alone, too.
I'm hurting and I'm confused and struggling.
The shy little girl flinches- waiting
for someone to laugh or criticize.
But no one does.
Instead, she feels Love.
A multitude of heavenly hosts coming to her side.
She feels safe again.
And at peace for
she doesn't have to hide any longer.
Lost. Seeking. Hiding. Found.
Tuesday, July 9, 2019
What did you want to be growing up?
I think there is something to these childhood desires . . .
I like to use childhood desires as a compass. Let's time travel! Let's go back to age . . eh, 8 - 10 year old you. You were probably in 4th, 5th or 6th grade. zooom zoom zoom zooom zoom zoom zoom zoom wish wish wish wish swish swish swish (these are the sounds I imagine I time machine would make. . I should know. . . I built one when I was 11 with my sister and neighbor friend) OK. Can you picture it? Can you see the younger version of you? Pay attention. This is important.
What the heck did you want to be?? You know the question. The one we were asked all the time. . . What do you want to be when you grow up? Which interestingly enough, turned into "what are you going to school for?" I'm finding out that the majority of the time these answers did not match up.
Growing up, I wanted to be an astronaut. I was memorized my the moon. I saw a movie called Space Camp when I was like 8 or 9 and afterwards I was convinced that some day I would be standing on the moon. I remember thinking that it was going to be hard work. I remember thinking that I wasn't going to like the simulator training. "I would probably get sick. But it was worth it. Only a couple people get to stand on the moon and I want to be one of them." I thought.
Something happened over the years. I became interested in boys and my own image. And I forgot about that astronaut dream. The love of the sky has never left me. I would still gaze up in child-like wonder every night. But when it was time to "pick a college", my own true hearts desires weren't even considered. It didn't matter anyway, that dream had been buried with false realities. I had been swept up in "cool kid" stuff which at the time was cheerleading and boys and being really, really skinny. Ya know, so I could model and really "be somebody."
Fast forward to present moment. Today, I am looking back and wondering.
I'm wondering so many things. I feel those childhood dreams resurfacing. That love of the moon and saturn and soaring above the earth, looking back at our planet from space. I am wondering what 8,9 and 10 year old Amber was thinking. . what did she have right? I am so unbelievably wrong right now. I need answers. Little Amber, give me ANSWERS! I am so unsatisfied with these things I have been chasing that I thought I "should have been chasing" like the ideal job, family, image and home.
ANYWAY, I'm really curious: If I were to ask you in elementary school: what do you want to be growing up? What would your answer be?
I'm curious. What did you study post high school? Did you follow that dream? What happened?
The Birth Story of River Axel (Part One)
Like usual, I woke up with the urge to pee. I waddled downstairs to our newly installed toilet and discovered that I had just lost my mucus plug. (I know, sounds gross and weird) I went back upstairs and in a very calm, matter-of-fact tone told Josh: "babe, it's happening." I crawled back in bed and went back to sleep for a few more hours. I credit my hypno-birthing daily practice for how calm I was through-out my pregnancy and even the moments leading up to the birth!
I knew we were close but I was sure we had a couple more days before the actual birth. After all, the birthing class we took prepped us that pre-labor could last up to two weeks! However, I was determined for River to be an October baby like his mama (ha, like I had any control over his birthdate).
We both had full days planned, conveniently being at our most favorite places. Josh went to the skatepark, while I went to the spa. Truly divine timing. <3 Well done, universe!

For me, saying goodbye to my pregnant belly meant taking million selfie photos the morning I went into labor. Ha!
Although, I most have known on some level that River was coming because I was snapping photos of my belly every hour. I also pulled into Walmart like I was on mission. . . and truly I was. A mission to get Pumpkin Pie in my mouth as quick as humanly possible. :)

I sent this photo to my sister with a text that had way to many emojis regarding my feelings about pie for breakfast. Also, I randomly had a fork in my car and was really thankful for that.
Before I arrived at the spa to receive some good body love, I had to do some candle deliveries. Side note- I was able to carry 40 lbs of candles up and down 3 flights of stairs on the reg. and definitely credit this obligated form of exercise to my wonderful pregnancy and birthing experience.
My "Braxton- Hicks" contractions seemed strong, but at this point I was still convinced that River was staying in there until a few more days. Boy, was I wrong! I somehow got it in my head that my next body cue was my water breaking or when I started to feel contractions in my back. (Little did I know that not everyone experiences back-labor.) My water never broke, nor did I experience back-labor.
12 pm | Spa Time
I showed up to the spa where I met Joshua's mom, Jade (best-esthetician-EVER) and told her a had lost my mucus plug and had been feeling the "Braxton-Hicks" contractions all day. "Amber, you are in labor," she said. (She's the ultra-intuitive type and she was right.) STILL, I was convinced that we had plenty of time before River arrived because I wasn't feeling any pressure in my back.
So I got my facial and we starting tracking the contractions. They were consistently 12 minutes a part at this point. I remember laying there, holding my belly, feeling the tightening of each contraction and very much at peace. Every 12 minutes calling out to Jade "here's another one . . . ok it stopped."

The day was turning out to be the most perfect beginning of River's journey into the world. I was in my happy place and feeling so serene and connected to my body.
Josh called to check-in from the skatepark: "Hey! Mom just texted me and said you were in labor???" I simply replied back: "nah, I really don't think so . . . call ya when I leave!"(contractions were now 1o minutes apart)
During my massage, the contractions started getting more intense and thought: "ok, oh wow, this may be happening." I had the therapist incorporate acupressure points to help the baby get in the optimal position for birth. River had spent his whole time curled up on my right side and we were trying really hard for him to move into a better position to avoid delivering him "sunny-side up". And whatever she did worked worked like a charm!
5:30 pm | Midwife Check-in
I called my mid-wife after leaving the spa and was told to go home and notify her if the contractions got more intense or if I started having them 4 minutes apart. Still, I'm wondering . . . is this happening tonight? tomorrow? next week? I have no idea. During my hour commute home, I called to update my family. Then I turned on my Birthing Affirmations cd that I listened to everyday, rolled down the windows and enjoyed the ride home. My baby was coming soon.
6:30pm | Trying to Stay Calm While at Home
I pull up to the drive way of our house. It's long and bumpy and I'm feeling my body telling me that it's time. It's time, it's time, it's time. But the more logical side of me wanted to hear it from my mid-wife because, btw, she is the expert. . .
So I went upstairs, plopped on my birth ball and tried to get some work done. Which lasted all of. . eh. . .5 or 10 minutes. Contractions were getting stronger and longer. I started to get a little panicky and anxious.
We need to get to Asheville, was all I kept thinking.
Luckily, the day before, I had packed our bags so that we would be ready to go to the birth center at any given moment. I even created a little booklet that had a list of "Things to do before leaving the house", birthing affirmations and hypno-birthing cue words for Josh. I had a playlist and candles, palo santo, essential oils and items to look at during labor to remind me of my spirit guides and my own inner strength. I had a whole vision for my birthing time.
None of that stuff really mattered in the end, but I love planning a good ceremony and the intention was there.
Anyway- There I was, on my birth ball, leaning over my bed, my thoughts racing. I think we need to leave . . . I gotta call mom . . . I need to relax . . . but I can't settle in and relax when I know we need to leave soon . . . I'm bleeding, what does that mean?! . . . I want to call the midwife again but my contractions aren't constantly 4 minutes apart yet . . . but when they are, what does that mean?? Will we have time to get to the birth center? WE are an hour away. . .should we just drive there and wait in the parking lot?? . . . I need Josh . . . why is he asking me if we are still making curry for dinner?! . . . ok, relax, amber just get somewhere and relax.
7:15pm | Making the Journey to Asheville
My contractions were now one minute long and coming every four minutes. I get the midwife on the phone and update her.
Hey Melissa, it's Amber, ummm . . . so I think I need to leave my house. My contractions are getting worse and. . . uuuuuuuuhhhhhg, hold on, another one is coming.
At this point, Josh grabs the phone and I'm leaning over the sink waiting for the contraction to pass. Hoping that we will get the O.K. to come to the birth center so I can finally settle in, turn my mind off and let my body take over. But we didn't get the O.K. Instead, she told Josh to get me in the shower and to call her back with an update.
~~~~~~ This part of the night is blurry. All I remember is bits and pieces of Josh running around the house- trying to feed the animals, get our stuff in the car and get clothes on me. And being really concerned about updating our moms. And then being in the car on our way to Asheville. ~~~~~~
9:08pm | Arriving at the Birth Center
My contractions just kept intensifying. I tried not to hold my breathe. I tried to "sink into the pain" like the way we talked about in our birthing class.
I was tracking them on my phone and grunting "ok go . . . ok stop" with each rise and fall. It seemed like it took so long to get there. But we made it.
The Birth Story of River Axel Niven (Part Two)
By the time we reached the birth center, my contractions were happening about a minute apart from each other. I remember having one as Josh was helping me out of the car and another one as soon as we walked into the door.
The midwife wanted to check me immediately. Standing at the bed with Josh supporting me, I felt her check my cervix and then I heard her say: "oh wow you are definitely having this baby! You are already 6 centimeters dilated!"
Thank God. Finally, we were at the location where I would birth my baby.
I felt my body take over, as my eyes closed shut and my whole being seemed to transcend into another dimension. A primal place. A space I never knew existed. I space where pain didn't feel like the pain I knew. A space where I made animal noises and my body moved into positions it had never been in. A sacred space where we were connected- my voice, my body, my breath.
I labored completely naked in the shower for about an hour as the pool filled with water. I sat on the birth ball while holding onto josh, the water at my back. Then I went to my hands and knees. I remember my body heating up and craving to be completely submerged in the water.
I made my way to the pool with the help of Josh, both of my arms wrapped around him tight as if I could transfer some of the pressure onto him. My body loved the water. I was leaning over the edge of the pool facing Josh, holding both of his hands with my face downwards toward the water.

My body was shaking and every once in a while I would whisper to myself, "breathe, breathe, breathe."
I felt safe. I could hear the nurse, Desdemona, guide me back into the intensity by softly saying: relax your shoulders. With each surge of pressure, I visualized going under the wave. I didn't want to ride on top of the wave. I wanted to sink low and deep - into the dark place of feeling. I focused all of my energy and attention into the downward motion. Sometimes the intensity would shoot me up and I would hear my moans go high and sharp. But my body always found its way back to the low, primal chanting.

Opening. Surrendering. Trusting. Transforming. <3 The most spiritual experience of my life. <3
I did a lot of shamanic journeying throughout my pregnancy to connect with River. We would always meet under the sea, where we would swim together with the sea turtles and meet his dad at a spot with colorful coral sandcastles. I never intended for us to meet there; it's just the vision that would always come to me. Now I know why. I needed that vision- that feeling, that memory of being calm and at peace beneath the sea, trusting in my baby, letting him lead.
Suddenly, my mom was in front of me holding my hands. I remember getting this burst of energy as she was with me. It was one of the few times my eyes were open. She stayed with me for a few minutes while Josh took a break. She told me how strong I was and how good I was doing. I felt so energized by her words and presence.
Time unknown | Transition
Josh came back from his much needed break and the midwife decided to check-me again. Apparently, at this point she had to rupture my amniotic fluid, but I was in such a meditative state I don't remember much of that. I do remember this stage being the most intense. I was in "transition".
The contractions were so close together- giving me maybe 30-45 seconds between them to rest. I was in the pool for hours, but it didn't feel like it at the time. I remember howling and swaying and mumbling "oh, baby" to Josh. My body was shaking and every once in a while I would whisper to myself, "breath, breathe, breathe" with my face almost touching the water.
I went into some sort of lung position to help River find his way. Ahhh, magic spot. He liked that and started to wiggle down further.
4:44am September 27, 2019| Time to start pushing
Then, I heard my midwife say: "She is ready to push." When I heard this I thought it was over . .. I thought I would give one big grunt and River would just plop out . . . now, I know that pushing is a whole new phase. A phase that requires a lot more work, just a bit different.
It took me while to move out of the the deep relaxation mode into the more action mode and figure out "how" to push. Eventually they convinced me to get out of the tub and on to the toilet in the bathroom. I didn't care where I was, whatever needed to happen to get my baby out. I made a lot of progress pushing on the toilet. Josh was standing by my side and both of my arms were wrapped around his waist. I was leaning back with a pillow at my back and my feet were on my midwife's shoulders. She was helping by s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g my vagina open and rubbing arnica oil on it.
With big deep breaths, I did 3 big pushes and then waited for the next urge. I see the head! I heard my midwife exclaim. But then it went back in. I tried a few more times . . . but it was like River was playing peek-a-boo with us and just teasing me. So we changed positions again. I remember being nervous about moving to the bed because I could feel him so low and I don't know why but I thought walking would hurt him . . . like his would fall out and get stuck. It was such a foreign feeling, but I was reassured that he would be fine and so would I.
Anyway, we get in the bed. I'm laying on my side with a peanut ball between my legs. Josh is kneeled down beside me with our faces close together. I could tell when another urge to push was coming and I would tell everyone so they could get in position. The nurse would move the peanut ball and hold my feet, while the midwife would help me open up.
The crowning was the worst. Mainly, because it was unexpected. The whole labor felt intense, but very natural and gradual. The crowning felt sharp and fast and sent my voice skyrocketing. I was getting tired and emotional. I felt like I was doing my best. I was trying so hard but it didn't seem to be "good enough". (seriously, inner critic, this is no place for you right now)
I had a moment, where I didn't believe in myself. I thought, "nope, this baby is not coming out. It's just going to have to stay in me forever."
And then I heard Josh's voice "just like last the time- you did it. . . do it again"
He had been quiet pretty much the whole time- just holding space and offering me something to drink from time to time, which is exactly what I needed from him. Up until this point, when he knew I needed him to go into full on cheerleading mode. The nurse and midwife were also encouraging me, but those words from Josh were the ones that carried me through to the end. The last couple of pushes I gave it all I had. I pushed past all of the fear. The fear of tearing, the fear of my voice being too loud or weird, the fear of the pain . . . and with one final wild woman howl, out came my baby!
5:44am September 27, 2019 | River is born.
I'm hysterical. Completely overcome with emotions. I'm crying, smiling, looking at Josh in complete euphoria, humbly thanking the midwife and the nurse and then there is River . . . laying on my chest.
We did it. Hi, I'm your mama. I told him.

"Hi, I'm your mama," I told him, over and over again.
It was the happiest, most spiritual day of my life. The three of us stayed in bed together for a couple of hours falling deeply in love.
Friday, June 28, 2019
A Letter to 9 Month Old Little River
Here we are.
Dear River,
9 months with you have been hard and fun and enlightening. I am swept back to the day you entered this world and feel butterflies- big, strong ones. If I’m being completely honest it was pretty freaking traumatic but in the best kinda way. I’m realizing I still have so much to process about birthing you. I wonder if other women give it much thought afterwards... like really deep reflections. Or do they just keep their head down and continue going through the motions. We women are good like that. I wonder how much emotion is stored away in our bones of those first couple of weeks and months... when we are getting to know our babes. Phew... those days. Nothing is quite like it. I am your mother and I have so much to teach you. So much to tell you.
Monday, April 29, 2019
Love will take you there.
Josh and I talked for hours this morning about religion, the Bible, spirituality, loving our family, finding community and how it’s all just so freaking hard to meet in the middle sometimes. We see eye-to-eye on a lot, but like any other relationship, we also have our differences- mainly when it comes to beliefs, methods and eating cake.
I live for these deep conversations about the meaning of life and what’s really at the bottom of the everything we think and do... but sometimes the rabbit hole can be scary. Which brings me to a favorite memento: LET LOVE LEAD. Let love bring you back to heart. ⋒
Together, Josh and I have journeyed through difficult, awkward, painful conversations. We’ve navigated times of disagreement, confusion and moments of misunderstandings. We’ve learned to breathe through every single triggering word or tone. I know there are more to come and I welcome them.
When we really listen and take in each other’s side of the story, compassion expands our hearts and more love comes in- filling in the holes of hurt and insecurities. It’s like our differences have in a way bonded us together through acceptance and understanding. ⋒
Relationships. Phew. The great teacher about myself. And really the universe... Bottom line: walking through differences always bring me to LOVE. Love is the guide, love is the way, love is the end. Love will take you home. ⋒
The challenge now lies in releasing control and insecurities. By letting fear move out of the way and letting Love lead, we can actually get somewhere great. If we all began to listen deep, speak truth and let Love show the way... maybe we can all be bonded together by the willingness to accept our differences and the fact that we don’t understand and that’s ok!! #unity#collectiveconsciousness #lovewins
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Be still and know.
Be still and know ⋒
One of my favorite texts from the Bible. It’s so simple, yet so powerful. And just the words I’ve needed lately to anchor into the present moment (where the magic happens). Be still and know that other forces are at play. Be still and know that you are healing. Be still and know that you are light, love, darkness, formless and everything in between. Be still and know that you are not alone. Be still and know that what you are feeling is truth. ⋒
May you take some time to enter into the deep, divine feeling place and know whatever comes up for you is exactly what you need. Trust it.
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
you are so complex. I love. you.
U-N-F-O-L-D-I-N-G. 🌸
Adding layers, peeling them back, letting them go or tucking some away for another day. We all contain so much wisdom in our layers of life experiences. Today, I let one go. Today I choose not to feel bad about wearing lipstick and mascara. Somewhere (probably while hiking the AT) I picked up a story that wearing makeup was dishonest and not “natural” enough. 〰️〰️〰️ Jeeeee-wiz, amber. Loosen up, girl. You can be so rigid and serious sometimes. Right?? Hmmmm, so today’s wisdom seems to be coming through as : if it feels good, don’t suppress or resist it. Do it! Be it! Love it! And maybe, find some time to be a little silly. 💋💄💁♀️💃🏻 #rejoice in #femininity !!! #hershelterpoetry
Monday, April 22, 2019
It's time to live up to that version of ourselves.
True story: in my head, in dreamland, in the astral realm- I walk tall.
I speak seldom but with authority. I’m confident in myself, my ideas and my creations. I am powerful. In this physical plane, not so much. But working on it!!
Are you also making yourself small? Like your shoulders are hunched and you find yourself wishing to be invisible in public spaces? And sometimes you try to talk but the words don’t leave your lips??? You see yourself differently. You know in your core you are creative and strong as hell but you have problems manifesting that version of yourself? Or maybe articulating? Welp, me too! You aren’t alone! Yay! Yay internet for connecting us. I’ve been doing my darnest to step outside my comfort zone and follow my intuition instead of my head. So maybe I can live up to the Amber I really like when I’m dreaming. Will you join me? 💞 #introvertconfessions#calkingalldreamers #hershelterpoetry
my wildness
I feel it.
Like I’m not in control.
Just the vessel, just the shell.
The container that carries it all.
The weight,
The wildness that inhabits me
cannot be fully contained.
Sometimes I break.
I crack. I crash.
And the wildness falls out.
I used to hurry to put it back.
But now I don’t.
I used to pretend like there were no cracks.
No brokenness.
Only temporary releases that could be filled with make-believes.
I used to pretend.
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Easter Vibes.
🌷🕊 Growing up, my mom would take me and my sister Easter dress shopping where we would find coordinating outfits to match our brother and dad. Every year, we would wake up to hunt for an Easter basket that was hidden somewhere inside of the house. Then we would snap a family porch picture, hop in the car and drive about a mile away to our little country church. And afterwards we would spend the day hunting eggs that we had dyed the weekend before.
This year I have my own little family. And I’m hit with a wave of #gratitude for my parents. I had no idea how much effort goes into keeping family traditions... well... traditions. So shout out to all the parents for making this day special and memorable. It may not seem like a big deal to dye eggs or hide baskets, but it is.
Thank you mom and dad for my magical childhood. I’m so happy I have you as parents. ❣️ I’m thanking my lucky stars for my little family and for this beautiful Earth we get to call home. A planet that awakens each Spring with color and new life. I’m so excited for creating our own traditions together in this sweet little cove.
And of course today I honor and celebrate the story of Jesus. That guy is a special dude- the real deal messenger of hope, love and kindness. Thank you Jesus for being a light for me.
I love this season of hope and renewal so much.
Tree Talks: the Dogwood
Feeling alive, feeling new-
Fresh, like the kiss of morning dew.
Is this what it’s like to really be true?
I asked the Dogwoods,
“How can I always feel like the real me?” Singing in harmony, they have replied:
“You can choose what you want to see.
You can choose who you want to be.
This is your power.
This is the key.
You can see the burning tower.
Or you can see the blooming flower.
Thinking, feeling and dreaming are all good.
But this is only a fraction
of the way to true becoming.
The rest is about taking action.
Watch as we stand in our glory.
We will teach you how to share your story. “
#hershelterpoetry #treetalks#poetsofinstagram
Friday, April 19, 2019
Her Shelter
There is a place to go within.
for the roaming mind to rest
for the soul-seeking journey to begin
a shelter for life’s hardest of days
for you to be alone and still feel ok
where feeling gives way to healing
and answers arise through
words gracefully moving
across the minds eye
where we can string together
the song of our heart-
our life’s work, our art.
where we can watch as thought
manifests into form
opening portals, opening doors
where we become one with the muse
the source that resides inside
our spirit, our life force
the true Divine
and when it’s time
we fly, we soar
finding our flock while finding our core
like birds in the sky
gently awakening all that pass by
A letter to my 6 month old
Dear River,
We’ve been side-by-side for six months. And I mean that very literally. We have only been away from each other a handful of times.
Every morning you wake up happy and chatty. I like to imagine your dreams being full of adventurous, wonder and you are telling me all about them.
We spend all day together, everyday.
I’m told by some people that this is not healthy for either of us. Apparently, I’m creating attachment issues. But, ya know what? I don’t care what they think. I love our time together. Although, sometimes I wish you would chill a bit more so that I could write or eat a warm meal. 📷
We walk the aisles of bookstores and grocery shops like it’s our job. You LOVE being outside and people watching. You got your first tooth this week! It’s on the bottom and right in the center. You are growing like a weed and we are bagging up all of your stylish clothes to pass on to your future BFF cousin! (he’ll be here later this year) You met the ocean this month. Your attitude towards it was as mysterious as the ocean itself. You love to study and observe. (hmmmm, I think you get that from me AND daddy) Oh, and I almost forget- today you tried your first food! The delicious, nutritious AVOCADO. You seemed to like it, but you liked drumming with your spoon more.
River, I hope you will always see and feel and know that me and Daddy are doing our best with what we have been given. I hope that you always feel supported and loved at every phase and stage and age of your life.
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Fly Sister, Rise Sister
Liberation from old thought patterns, stories in my head, self-sabotage, toxic environments, the need of approval. #moksha #happiness
Inner Guidance: set yourself FREEEEEEE! Be that bird in the background. Love one another. Be gentle. Be easy. Let go. Rise up.
Tuesday, April 2, 2019
The Moment I Knew (I was pregnant)
“What in the world! It feels like there is a phone buzzing in my ovaries!”
Yep – I felt implantation vibration.
At first I thought it was stress related. I was working on my feet all day, everyday on hard concrete floors and I was exhausted. So I chalked the buzzing ovaries up to another symptom of adrenaline fatigue. But two days later and the buzzing was still happening- my spidey senses started kicking in. “Could I be . . .”
The full moon was in 8 days. Maybe I’m feeling that, I thought. I’m 3 days late. Hmmm, but my period tends to show up at all different times, so that didn’t mean much to me. I told myself that I would take a pregnancy test on Friday so that I wouldn’t be distracted during the work week if I was actually pregnant. (see, I already knew).
I pulled out my tarot cards and laid out a pregnancy spread which ended up being pretty dang accurate! Then I googled “early signs of pregnancy” all day. Two days later, I took a test and got confirmation that I was pregnant.
Trust that intuition, mama!
Friday, February 8, 2019
Settling Into Motherhood | 4 months IN
These two words sum up our current situation: SETTLING IN.
We are 4 months into this journey and I feel like we made it to the “settling-in” part. The first 3 months were very much survival mode- for both me and baby River.
He’s over there thinking: “where the heck am I? It’s bright and loud and people are looking at me and putting clothes on me and I’m not sure what to do. . . when do I get to eat again?”
While I’m over here like: “Am I holding him the right way? How do I clean his penis? Is he even breathing right now? Crap, my water has been boiling for an hour, I NEED TO EAT my oatmeal. Crap, I forgot I started laundry, again. How do I carry packages into the post office AND him? How do I run my business when I can’t even manage to eat, sleep and shower? What are the breastmilk rules, again . . .4 hours and still good?? Babe, I’m sorry I can’t look at how beautiful it is outside, I’m too busy to even look at my own reflection in the mirror!
📷Those first 3 months were R -O-U-G-H. Holy Moses. But now we are settling-in. “So how did we arrive here,” I ask myself. Well, it helps that River feels more comfortable and safe now. If he is crying, we usually know why. And we are feeling way more confident as parents, well, more so than those initial weeks of his life. Although, now that I’m on the other side and reflecting on the past three months, I realize that we also had to be intentional and shift some things before we could leave the “survival-mode”. In no particular order:
Acceptance. Surrender. Sacrifice. Adapting.
I had to accept the fact that I could not run a business and take care of a newborn. So I put the business on hold and we figured out a way to pay all the bills from Josh’s income.Accepting help without feeling anything other than grateful. This is a biggie. I had to let go of the guilt and feelings of inadequacy and let people help me. Dishes, dinner, changing diapers, whatever was needed – I eventually realized that I had no room in my system for feeling guilty about accepting help.I had to surrender to his minute-by-minute needs and be more go-with-the-flow than ever before. If that meant abandoning a fully loaded grocery cart due to a fussy session so be it. If that meant leaving a loud restaurant because he was over stimulated even through I was really enjoying the company and conversation, so be it.Lowering cleanliness standards.Adapting to an earlier bed time. Actually, scratch that and let’s just say adapting to a new way of life. A life where everything is done in 2 – 3 hour increments.Saying BRB to some of my favorite clothes and being ok with wearing the same outfits over and over because they are more breast-feeding friendly.
Tell me: How are you settling into Motherhood or your pregnancy?
Wednesday, January 9, 2019
An Open Letter to Cheerleaders
Dear Cheerleaders,