Don’t waste another second complaining about how crappy your life is. Life is too short for all that jazz. Instead, take control of your happiness and fall in love with your life right now.
1. Win over your inner voice. You know, that little voice always criticizing every aspect of your life. “You’re not good enough for him, those pants are too tight on you, you’re never going to be as fun as her, you aren’t smart enough to do that.” Yeah that voice…get rid of it. It’s overwhelming and self-sabotage. The less you listen to your inner voice, the less doubts and fears will creep into your life.
2. Take care of YOU first. Before you can love anyone, you have to love yourself first. This may seem absurd to some of you, especially those people-pleasers. But remember you cannot please everyone! Learn to take care of yourself so that you feel loved and in return you it will be easier to love others. Putting yourself first does mean being rude. You do not have to be inconsiderate, that is totally optional. You can still please yourself and remain considerate and thoughtful to others needs.
3. Take joy in things you love. What do you like to do? Do that! Who do you feel your best around? Spend more time with them! Who do you want to be? Be that. Whatever brings you real joy, share that. I am a firm believer in surrounding yourself with all your joys. Pictures of Paris, reading poetry, spending time with Stacey and our families, and being outside are all things that bring me real joy. Every little thing can influence our mood, even the clothes we put on. We feel differently when we wear sweat pants than we do when we wear a skirt. So wear the clothes that make you feel your best!
It would be wonderful if we could wake up in utter happiness every morning, would it not? What would the world be like if everyone was completely in love with their life? How about today we make the choice to be happy! And if we are happy there is no doubt that our happiness will carry through to people we come in contact with. Remember, a smile goes a long way. So let’s do our part to make the world a happier place, pass on happiness. Take simple steps to fall in love with your life and maybe others will follow suit.
“Your task is not to seek love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” ~Rumi
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