Youth has no age.

Don't be afraid to goof off.

I may only be 22 but I have lived long enough to know that age is just a number! [And I hope I never forget that.] So, maybe my imagination is not like it used to be… I can’t transform a tree into a time machine or my bicycle into a horse named Ichabod. But I’m still a kid at heart. I still watch cartoons,  play with chalk, and color outside the lines. I still get excited about Easter egg hunts, and I still eat dessert with every meal. I still feel like a kid, that’s what counts, right?

What does it mean to be a kid at heart?

I think a kid at heart is someone who can still dream. Someone who can still imagine. Someone who can still play carefree. A kid at heart does not mean being immature. As you grow you become wiser, use that wisdom! For example, as a kid I might have ignored my mother’s advice, thinking “she has no idea what 8th grade is like nowadays.” Now, I know better because she is ALWAYS right. Never fails. A kid at heart is being able to be mature and still have a young spirit. Here are some ways to channel your inner kid:

Never loose your sense of wonder.

Did you ever go exploring as a kid? Oh boy, I did! I think me, my sister, and the neighborhood crew went everyday. We usually explored the same places; however, to us it was always a new experience. I can remember being so curious and intrigued by this field behind our house. Exploring was like an itch we just had to scratch. We were determined to discover something- an old bone, a pond, animals, anything we could pretend with. We would spend hours together just wandering around, thinking and planning new adventures. And that my friends, is what being a kid is all about! Exploring the world together. Believing in endless possibilities.

Pay attention to detail.

When is the last time you stopped and took in every second of a moment? I mean really took the the time to inhale life- the people, the smell, the colors, the sky, the noise, the feel, every detail going on around you. Kids are like sponges soaking up every single little thing they see and hear. (remember to always set a good example) Never stop learning. Treat everyone that comes into your life as a teacher. If you get caught up in the hustle and bustle in life, you may miss some valuable guidance! Slow down & pay attention to detail, kiddos.

Think like a Kid.

Adults see things complicated, where as, kids see things in an innocent light. Kids believe inpossibility, when adults grow to believe things as impossible. Adults are fast to assume the worst. Yeah sure, adults have more worries. Heck, kids have relatively zero worries, but most of our worries are not even worth worrying about. Not every thing is easy, but before you go and complicate things, think like a kid would. Think simple.

Oh please note: This does not mean to abandon all responsibility & sit on the couch in your pj’s. Thinking like an adult is not a bad thing, yet sometimes it is good to channel our inner child for guidance.

Live life to the fullest. Everyday. Go! Start a band with pots and pans. Jump in puddles. Get messy. Dream big. Run. Play. Play with your dog. Play with your brother. Play with your food. Use your imagination. Everyday.

#kidatheart #play #youth

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