Speak Kind Words

We all like getting compliments so give out some today. A few kind words can go a far way. I think we underestimate the power of kind words. Not only are you giving someone else a self esteem boost, but giving can make YOU feel better!

Food for your relationships

Sometimes in relationships we can become complacent and comfortable that we forget to give compliments! This goes for all relationships. Your brother needs compliments just as much as your boyfriend and so does your mother and father and best friend and coworker. Don’t ever assume they don’t need your compliments any more.

For example, I feel like I have said “you look pretty today” to my sister a billion times. She always looks pretty so I think sheesh she knows by now that I think she is pretty. But that’s not the point! Just because I have been giving her compliments for 20 years does not mean I should stop now. She needs my kind words now more than ever!

Often in relationships, you find yourself praising your partner for every little thing. “You are so cute. Oh hunny, you sing so well. You are such a hard worker. I am so proud of you. You are great at doing the dishes. I love the way you open my door.” And the list goes on… But as the relationship goes on, the kind words slow down to a trickle. We get stuck in a kind-word-rut. So if you find yourself in a relationship that is shy of the lovey dovey feeling, then speak a kind word or two. If that seems like too much for you shy folks like myself, then write some kind words! Surprise your loved one with a hidden note…maybe in his shoe??

Perfect the art of compliment

Ok so now that I have reminded you of a simple joy, go and take delight! Speak kind words today. Let love grow.

Be Sincere.

Be specific.

Smile at strangers.

“Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.”- Mother Teresa

#giving #smile #kindwords #compliments #relationships

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