Happy FAT Tuesday!

What a great excuse to over indulge!

Ladies, today is the day to rock your fat pants! I know you all have a pair. . . and if yours are too tight, well…resort to sweat pants. Because today is fat tuesday! Celebrate with me!

Ok for those of you who have never heard of Fat Tuesday (probably my sister, i swear she lives under a rock) here is the a short and sweet explanation:

What is Fat Tuesday?

Fat Tuesday is the day before Ash Wednesday, which is the first day of Lent (40 day season of prayer and fasting). So simply put, it is the last hoo-rah before you give up chocolate and diet coke. . .

After Fat Tuesday

May I suggest making a date with the treadmill.

I hope you all have a scrumptious day!

Every once in awhile, a girl has to indulge herself.~Sarah Jessica Parker

#cats #fattuesday #indulge #video

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