Friday, January 24, 2020
Friday Favorites, Vol I
Hi everyone.
- Everyday Oil. I’ve been using Everyday since I picked up a bottle at a holiday market in 2017. I love it so much that it was the number one thing on my Christmas list this year. I also bought 4 bottles of it for gifts. It’s 100% plant based and made in Black Mountain, NC. Just as their website says, I use it Everyday. Everywhere. Josh uses it too, now.
- As I type this, I’m guzzling down some of Mother Mountain Herbal‘s Spicy Nettle Chai Tea. It’s getting me through winter in the woods. Best when drank from a mug that says “Mom” with butterflies all over it.
- Scrabble. Tell me. When is the last time you have played a board game? We played Scrabble when Josh’s family visited recently and it was so nice to sit around a board game, with the fire going. We’ve been building up our collection since we moved in. Scrabble remains my favorite.
- This app. I’ve been using the MyDays app to track my moon time, ovulation and mood since 2016 when I saw an energy healer for some womanly issues. She recommended it and I was hooked instantly.
- Our wood stove. Our home has been so cozy. Almost, too cozy at times. We have to open windows upstairs to regulate the temperature. I love feeding the fire and feeling more in touch with the elements that keep us going- physically and spiritually.
My 1st Kundalini Yoga Class
I had been curious about Kundalini for years. Although, it had never been intriguing enough to try it out. I knew Kundalini had something to do with intense breath work and that Guru Singh does it at the end of all his podcasts, but that was about all I knew. In my energy healing apprenticeship, we had done a bit of breath work and I dreaded it. Mainly, because I was terrible at it and it was a tender time in my life to be terrible at things. And yet here I am- writing about how much my spirit is craving to breathe deeper and more fully these days- terrible or not, Kundalini here I come.
Change of plans.
So, Yoga called.
The Anxiety of doing something new was there.
Patience, a mini yoga class before the yoga class.
Damn, this instructor must be good. It’s a packed house!

Ra Ma began with an Astrological Forecast and reminded us that these are “important times.”
Something was being “activated” despite my floundering through Kriya.
So many little delighting surprises!
Thursday, January 16, 2020
A Soul Chat: For Uncertain Times
Find A Tree & Hold on Tight
Remember when we were kids and they would tell us that if we were to ever get lost in the woods to find a tree and hold on? Well, I’m here to tell you it works. (especially if you have a whistle) When we are lost we need something to anchor into. Something that will remind us to stand still and breathe. Help always comes.

Friday, January 10, 2020
How to Prepare for Natural Childbirth
“Birth Matters… It matters because it is the way we all begin our lives outside of our source, our mother’s bodies. It’s the means from which we enter and feel our first impression of the wider world. For each mother, it is an event that shakes and shapes her to her innermost core. Women’s perceptions about their bodies and their babies’ capabilities will be deeply influenced by the care they receive around the time of birth. ” – Ina May Gaskin
What is a natural birth?
Know the Benefits of Natural Childbirth
Connection to your body and your baby.
Freedom to create your own environment.
Minimal Interventions
Faster Recovery Time
Treat your body right. Everyday.
Develop a Strong Mindset
- Pay Attention. Mary Oliver once said that “attention is the beginning of devotion.” I taped this quote on my wall to remind me to be present throughout my journey and to be mindful of my thoughts.
- Be curious. Be open to exploring the changes that are happening to you. Remember you powerful, life giving being! I wanted to notice the slightest changes in my body and my mood, because that meant, learning more about the human inside of me. <3
- Stay on the Sunny Side. Be diligent about being positive. Whatever it is that helps you stay uplifted, make it a daily practice. Set a time to listen to affirmations, read uplifting stories, connect with other strong mamas or engage in any other activity that brings you peace and joy.
- Let your faith be boundless. Pregnancy is a highly spiritual time. Some of the best advice I received in regards to giving birth was that “we are just along for the ride”. It reminded me to let go and surrender to the supernatural process that I was chosen to be a part of. Things will happen that will be out of our control. And that’s OK. There is a greater force at work. Trust in the magic.
Explore alternative ways to handle pain management
8 Simple and Practical Self Care Tips for a Natural Pregnancy
- Build endurance. Exercise daily to get your heart rate up. Increase your stamina and visualize that you will have the energy to get through your birthing time!
- Connect with herbal allies. Evening Primrose Oil is known to soften the cervix. Passionflower, Lavender and Chamomile will calm any nerves. Arnica oil can be used during and after labor for relief.
- Train your brain to stay calm with daily affirmations and meditations. Practicing hypnobirthing worked for me! I also used the Rainbow Relaxation CD everyday.
- Stay motivated, inspired and focused with positive birth stories. Here’s a handy list of ideas.
- Make a birthing plan and a reminder/ to-do list for the big day. Download a contraction counter app on your phone!
- Take good care of your skin. I used Savannah Bee Company’s Royal Jelly Body Butter everyday and truly felt like a glowing queen after soaking my skin in it. The Tupelo Honey is the bee’s knees.
- Visit with your baby- You and your baby are a team. Be sure to bond with him everyday. Read a book out loud. Do a guided meditation or simply tell her what you are doing throughout the day.
A Word on Birth Partners
Sign up for a childbirth class.
Prepare Your Nest
- Breast Pump (free through insurance!)
- Sound Machine
- Halo SleepSack Swaddle
- DockATot
- In-Sight Mirror for Car
- Muslim Swaddles
- Car Seat (go ahead and install it in your car!)
- Thule Jogging Stroller
Pack Your Bag
Further Reading