Find A Tree & Hold on Tight
Remember when we were kids and they would tell us that if we were to ever get lost in the woods to find a tree and hold on? Well, I’m here to tell you it works. (especially if you have a whistle) When we are lost we need something to anchor into. Something that will remind us to stand still and breathe. Help always comes.

Firstly, if you are searching for light in the midst of a hazy time, please know that you are not alone. I am with you. I feel you from miles away. I feel your shoulders heavy with the weight of the world. I feel your stomach full of deep desires. I feel your heart bursting with so much pain because you just want to make a difference.
I get it. I understand what it feels like to be searching for more. More than what you are currently experiencing. You are hungry for a sign, a glimmer of hope that there is more than a mediocre existence. You are craving clarity in a time of uncertainty.
Secondly, let me tell. Hope is available. Love will take you. Hold on with all of your might. You can get through this. Keep your mind strong. This is not the time to doubt your trailblazing skills. This is a time to harness your power and transmute confusion into clarity. Turn your “I’m not good enough, I don’t even know what I’m doing with my life, everything sucks” thinking into portals of curiosities. “Hmmm, well , that didn’t quite work like I thought it would . . . I wonder if I tried a different method. . . wow. . now I realize I need more time to myself . . . Oh. . . ok. . . that probably wasn’t the best time to start a garden. . .”
Lastly, extend grace and love to yourself. If you are an ambitious person willing to risk and sacrifice in the name of your dreams, then chances are high that you are a person with a courageous and determined spirit. Remember that! Channel that!
Think of this time as an invitation from the universe to believe in yourself and your spirit guides. The universe rewards those who believe.
So find a tree, say a prayer and hold on.
Thanks to the internet, we can journey together. All of my love, dear friend.
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